Re: PCer's can rejoice do you really? Now that we are out of money and everyone is broke, we still won't get it?
As long as Walmart can get cheap plastic crap (tm) cheaper from China than from Bangladesh, trade with China will continue. Fleeced??? What fleeced??? They sell us cheap plastic crap (tm) cheaper than anyone else will. Americans will sell their neighbor down the river as long as they can get their plastic crap cheaper. Now that we are out of money and everyone is broke, we need the Chinese even more than ever: They are keeping our economy afloat by buying our bonds, and that ain't gonna change as long as Americans are unwilling to pay off their debt by paying taxes to pay off our creditors. The Chinese own us, and we are too damn cheap to buy our debt back. Easier to keep borrowing and let the next generation pay it off.
that is what the Chinese want us to think. The trade laws can be enforced tomorrow or if need be changed. What are the chinese going ot do with their dollars exchange them for the euro or the yuan? No way. Now is the tim to do something about it befor eit really is too late. The only way to buy our debt back is to make sure the boats are carrying more than american dollars when the y make the return trip to china.
The Chinese don't own us. They are the biggest FOREIGN holder of debt and they hold a lot of dollars, which they should since they are a huge economy. Sure they could tip over the apple cart and mess up currencies, but it would hurt them as much if not more. China does not want war, whether military OR economic. Think about it, they have been sending us their products in exchange for IOU's. They want their investments payed off, not wiped out. While the US has screwed up by buying their crap and killing our MFG base, China has screwed up by investing in us instead of their own country (while we concurrently screw up by investing in Iran and Afghanistan). Basically, China is bankrolling the oil wars so that oil is not a limiting factor to their growth.
Re: PCer's can rejoice I realize that we are mostly off-topic at this point and I should probably do something about it but whatever. Keep in mind, Malorn, that tobacco products have been proven to dramatically increase one's risk of multiple health ailments. Today's American (over-)consumption of sugared products has been proven to dramatically increase one's risk of type 2 diabetes. There are several, repeatable examples of how people just don't get it. I agree with daniel on this one: as long as we can purchase cheap crap we will continue to do whatever we have to in order to keep the flow coming. We turn blind eyes to deplorable work conditions in other nations, we don't care at all how our crap is produced, we accept that it won't last as long as products used to, we get upset when there's lead but it doesn't slow us down, we complain that Americans are losing their jobs but it doesn't stop us, we throw our broken cheap crap into overflowing landfills and buy new cheap replacements. Even with the "Made in the USA" sticker on the product, if people had the choice of purchasing something made better by American workers at the true cost of production using solid manufacturing techniques in proper conditions paying good wages or buying more cheap crap. . . well let me just say that the overweight diabetics are still smoking. So no. I don't think we'll figure it out anytime soon.
Re: PCer's can rejoice There are segments of the population that will never get anything and they will be the ones using most of the governments resources throughout their life(smokers, obese, etc). We need to get the great middle classes to get it. They have been sold a bill of goods by Wall Street and foreign countries over the last two generations about how trade benefits everyone and deficits don't matter whether they are government or balance of payements. I think the 'Tea Party' movement is showing that maybe people are starting to get it. This reference does not mean I am a 'tea-partier' but I do agree it is time for government to take a time-out when it comes to governemnt spending and trying to help everyone with every problem. I disagree with you on the 'made in USA' reference. I think there is a segment that won't care because they don't have any money and there is a segment that won;t care because they are snobs. If the average joe knew what they were really doing when they go to Wal-MArt and buy $100 worth of crap at Wal-MArt, of which $85 is imported from China and $50 will be in a landfill within three years, they will get it. Or if the average joe buys an imported kia to save $40/month but eventually that purchase would cause them to not have a raise for years or lose their job they would change.
Re: PCer's can rejoice I can tell that you WISH everybody would "get it" but trust me on this: at best around 15% "get it" and the rest have been dumbed down to the point they simply do not give one s***
I'm all for people having whatever vehicle they want. However, I have personally found hummer owners to be complete d-bags. I made a youtube video driving my prius in the snow and it was apparently posted on "their" forum. Like they had nothing better to do than search out and complain and belittle prius owners. So I was instantly flooded with hate. (I monetized the darn video and tried to make a few bucks off of them.) Anyways, it pleases me because of the way Hummer was favored and given a path to the consumer on a road paved with gold, while the EV1 fought it's way down a pot-hole riddled brick paved street and was still shut out. It's good to see things changing for the better.
I had a Jeep Liberty stick shift, and really liked the view up high. I'm sure I would like a Hummer--especially a stick shift. Those SUVs are great in a driving rainstorm on the Interstate at night. Especially when you pass a trailer truck! They have to get the carbon emissions down and the mpg up on SUVs, or they will all become dinosaurs.
Re: PCer's can rejoice I have to agree. Those shiny iPods, iPads, and flat-screen TVs that so many PriusChatters are so fond of aren't made in wonderland out of pixie dust.
Hummer gets reprieve, search for buyer extended to May 1 DETROIT, Feb. 26 –Two days after it announced its intentions to dismantle the Hummer brand, General Motors has made a U-turn and decided to continue its search for a buyer. Automotive News reported that GM will extend agreements with its 153 Hummer dealers until May 1 and continue it search for a company that will continue to build the sport-utility vehicles with the military bearing. “We’re going to do everything in our power to bring this home in the next couple of months,” Hummer CEO Jim Taylor told the publication. He disclosed that there are several parties interested in purchasing Hummer.
Thanks, So April 30 will be a good time to visit a Hummer dealer? ... Nope, May 3 would be better. I'm looking forward to taking a photo of our 2010 Prius in front of a closed Hummer dealership and send it to CNW Marketing with "Thanks for Dust-to-Dust" on a Christmas card. Bob Wilson
i'll miss the hummer as much as i miss indyking. on the off topic (sorry tony) it's an interesting argument from a bunch of us (in the 2%?) driving japanese vehicles.