FBI, Dept. of Justice raid US headquarters of GM supplier Denso in antitrust probe - latimes.com Yes, it's the same Denso that was awarded 2000 Corporation of the Year by General Motors Corporation. Hmmm. Just when you thought GM couldn't sink any lower.
Anti trust raid in cooperation with European authorites. It is going to be a very interesting year for Japan Inc. The department is investigating “the possibility of anticompetitive cartel conduct” among suppliers, Talamona said.
[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denso"]Denso - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] [ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Group[/ame]
Thanks. Denso is apparently not wholly-owned by Toyota Group (since they talk about "investors" on their website). Japanese companies are not always what they seem. The government is controlled by industry and controls industry. They will probably find what they are looking for.
Denso and Toyota sort of grew up together, and it shows in how parts that Toyota specs for their cars for the most part last forever. . But why would GM want to buy from Denso when they already have their own on-shore sources of crappy, unreliable parts that gives them their own unique beloved flavor? Interesting, maybe they're actually trying to make improvements.. . _H*
I just thought I would link a couple of threads together here for reference... The town in this thread basically lives because of Denso. The whole town is sort of intertwined with them... Go out of the train station, walk a bit, and your whole view is filled with that of the main Denso factory and company offices. I`m hoping nothing goes wrong with Aica (another huge company supplying stuff for cars and other things), as that is what my little town lives by the grace of...
Look, I'm not coming at any person or people in particular but when we, as a people, complain about the one-sidedness and bias of the media and then post a link with a snide comment aren't we guilty of the same thing. And in this case, it appears that the original intent of the snide comment was misguided in the first place. If you don't like the biased media, whatever you do don't imitate them.
Denso pledges loyalty to Toyota. -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Also see page 7 of http://www.globaldenso.com/en/investors/topics/pdf/e86s_mtg_conv.pdf. I was originally going to post about Denso being raided by the FBI and it being a top Toyota supplier but I was beat to the punch. The headline is on the front page of Yahoo now and it reads "FBI raids 3 Japanese auto parts makers near Detroit". http://www.densocorp-na.com/corporate/customers.html has a list of their NA customers. Most of their press releases say "Its customers include all the world's major carmakers."