Re: PCer's can rejoice I fear for all those poor Hummer owners. Wherever will they get service for their vehicles?
Re: PCer's can rejoice party time:cheer2: no seriues. i liked the H2 but the Hummer and alike are things of the past... we have to move on. at one time also the ICE prius will be something of the past.
Re: PCer's can rejoice You know, you'd think that a company with the name like "Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Co" would be the right place to sell Hummer.
Re: PCer's can rejoice China is an oil importer and has its own environmental issues to grapple with. This deal was politically risky from the start. I thought a Mid-East buyer would've been more realistic.
Re: PCer's can rejoice It's a shame they weren't able to fleece the Chinese company into forking over some money for what we all knew was a doomed brand. Few people need military Hummers. The ME countries have plenty of them 2nd hand from us...we sell them or simply leave them there when we leave. It's cheaper than shipping them back here where we have little use for them.
Re: PCer's can rejoice The military hummer (the only REAL hummer, or the H1) hasn't been part of the GM inventory for a while. It was never a GM product - GM just bought the right to use the name on some Chevys in drag. GM is the latest in a long line of car companies who have tried to set up deals with Chinese companies only to have the deal end in bitterness. Malcolm Bricklin tried and lost a lot of money. He claims the Chinese are traditionally used to business practices that would be illegal anywhere else in the world, and that they will need to drastically change their thinking to make any alliance or purchase like this work.
Re: PCer's can rejoice The Chinese government just doesn't want another GM gas guzzler. They have enough of those big black Buick SUVs the rich capitalists in Shanghai use--with drivers (LOL). American SUVs are real status symbols over there. Their government is in some respects greener than ours. They don't seem to want to commit to low carbon numbers, but they know the score, too. And they don't have a stalemated government to hold up change.
Re: PCer's can rejoice Won't happen. Chinese bonds are keeping the US floating. Their market is bigger than ours. Say nice things about China. It is in our interest to keep them happy.
Re: PCer's can rejoice baloney the line will be drawn in the sand. Bette to do it sooner rather than later. It is inevitable, just a matter of when and how.
Re: PCer's can rejoice How do you jump from 'business partnerships don't work' to 'trade will get very difficult'? The business partnerships and difficulty with creating and maintaining them hasn't changed, it has always been difficult/hazardous, so why would trade become more difficult?
Re: PCer's can rejoice According to CNW Marketing, "Service? Service? Hummers don' need no stinkin' service." (*) Bob Wilson * - CNW Marketing published the "Dust-to-Dust" report and announced the Hummer had lower environmental cost than the Prius. They made this claim by giving the Hummer a huge life-time boost while shortening the Prius life and annual miles. Total BS of course, three months later, the existing Hummer product was announced to be closing.
Re: PCer's can rejoice too much pressure on the US. Unemployment wil not recover until this is dealt with. Do you really think the US will allow itself to be fleeced by the Chinese forever?
Re: PCer's can rejoice Forever? No. Only so long as we have at least 40 corrupt politicians in Washington that can be bought out by special interests and block any attempts at fixing the situation.
Re: PCer's can rejoice There is no other way out of this economic hole the US is in. i am sure Wall Street is trying to find another artificial bubble to latch onto, but even that would only be temporary.
Re: PCer's can rejoice As long as it is making the rich in the US richer, of course the US government will let this go on.
China's Hummer "Purchase." Yeah, We Bad. We Bad. - China Law Blog: a blog about Chinese law and the legal issues of doing business in China. I can see a Chery buying Volvo to increase company prestige and to improve their in-house technology. I just never believed a Chinese purchase of Hummer would go through because I never thought it made sense. I did not think it made sense because I could see no logical reason for a Chinese company to buy Hummer with the intention of keeping its production in the United States, especially when the Chinese company is not in the auto business. I therefore never bothered to write about it until now because I did not see it as indicative of anything of much import...
Re: PCer's can rejoice I think we are reaching that point. We have been working Henry Ford's plan in reverse. " I will pay my employees enough so they can buy the product they build."
I'd drive an H2 or an AM Gen-Hummer.. hell yeah! But, I'd also drive my Prius, TR7,and MGB. Different cars fro different situations.