Hey Folks: I'm considering leasing a Package V Prius and I have gotten 7-8 dealers competing for business and giving their own numbers. Some are already WAY off and too high but a few come in close to each other. Here's the numbers for one dealer. This is for a GRAY PRIUS V with NAV ONLY: Negotiated Price: $29929 Drive Off: $1500 Money Factor: 0.0016 Term: 36 Mileage: 15K Residual: 64.21% Total Lease Cost (including tax): $361 Another is offering: Negotiated Price: $30099 Drive Off: $868 Money Factor: 0.0016 Term: 36 Mileage: 15K Residual: 64.21% Total Lease Cost (including tax): $393 Any thoughts? Concerns? Also, given all that's happening right now....any guesses what's going to happen in terms of pricing/deals/etc? Cheers
I can tell you you're not getting prices from 7-8 dealers for a package V with NAV only as you live in California, as the V with no AT (Advanced Technology package) isn't allocated to this state and can't be preferenced. Only very few dealers like Dianne Whitmire of Manhattan Beach Toyota would have the V with no AT (which can be obtained at the port en route to other regions) on their lot.
I posted an excel spreadsheet last summer, which you can use to keep track of the moving parts in a lease transaction. The standard TFS money factors and residuals can be found on the web (leasecompare.com, etc.). Be aware that dealers often mark up the money factor and lease inception fee. Tell the dealers you want a copy of the vehicle inquiry report, which lists the residuals for the various lease terms and mileage amounts at the bottom. Unless somebody lives in your area, it's difficult to provide an evaluation of the offers you've received, since each area has different sales tax & registration amounts.
If you look at Dianne's current inventory post, she shows 3 cars coming in with package V and Nav only (gray, white, and black). I assume the other local dealerships also know of these 3 cars and are using the gray one to price out to the OP. Then whoever the OP decides to buy from, assuming the car is still available, the dealership will probably then 'buy' it from where ever it is now and sell it to the OP. That's what happened when I bought my BMW (specific options/colors, and only 1 was available in So Cal). To the OP's original question, yes those numbers are good and what you should be expecting with that many miles, the cap cost, and the drive off fees. Me personally, I would put less money down up front as you won't see any of that back in the end.
Some dealers will play with the numbers (up front vs. monthly), but you won't see huge differences in pricing on leases since they all use the same money factor. If you want the car, just do the deal soon. Gas prices are going up, especially in CA. There appears to be something going on in France and CA is changing to a more expensive summer blend this year. The Prius is a car that can overcome an image crisis when gas prices rise. So don't expect Toyota to slash their prices to increase sales.
This is not true. I've helped a few friends lease cars (including a Toyota), and as I pointed out in my post above, some dealers do mark up the money factor, which can significantly affect total cost over the lease term. For my friend's Toyota, one dealer marked up the money factor, which increased the monthly payment by $30--or over $1,000 over the 36 month term.
Allow me to clarify. You may live in a region where your dealer can easily obtain a V with no AT (and maybe it's a Northern California thing), but it isn't what is usually allocated to Southern California (and the OP lives in LA) and SoCal dealers must use alternate options to obtain one at the port or from other dealers. It can't be preferenced in SoCal like a normal build car.
If the dealer's money factor didn't match the corporate money factor, then I wouldn't even proceed. That isn't a dealer I'd want to work with.
Here is an example of what one dealer gave me as a calculation....do you understand the fees and costs involved?? Cheers! http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3770497/PDF/36mo%2015kmi%20%241000%20down%20%20%24399.36mo..pdf
Here's my guess for some--although their nomenclature isn't consistent with what I've seen from Toyota and BMW leasing. 15: registration 18: lease acquisition fee 16: means they capitalized (added to purchase price) the acquisition fee 25: doc/misc. fees 17: total tax--includes amount in monthly payment (item 22 less 21), and tax on cap reduction