I just got my 2007 Prius several months ago, and I've noticed an acceleration problem. When I put my foot on the gas and push it all the way down, the car accelerates quickly. This acceleration doesn't stop until I take my foot off the accelerator pedal, shift into neutral, turn the car off, or push on the brakes. I've also noticed that the cruise control can cause the car to accelerate unless you turn it off, cancel it, or push on the brakes. I'm worried that my Prius may accelerate out of control if I push all the way down on the accelerator and keep it there. Worse yet, what if I set the cruise control to 106 mph and then don't shut it off or push on the brakes? I could get into an accident!
OMG! I have the same problem on my 2010! I better contact my MP! I did, however, inadvertently knock my knee against the cruise control when I was turning the wheel at a roundabout last night (not sure about previous models but on the 2010 it's attached to the steering wheel so goes around with it). This 'resumed' cruise control which had been at 40mph. I had a second or two of unintended acceleration until I twigged what I'd done!
That's why the TC lever has the "enable/disable" button on it. It is prudent to disable it during the city driving.
Don't forget the alternate stopping technique of aiming for something solid. I find bridge abutments work well. Tom
Brutal! I find that heading for the nearest school zone or playground works better. With an abundance of small obstacles to slow you down there is no abrupt stop. Yeah I know it was over the top but whatever, this is a joke thread anyway so get over it.
For some strange reason, I'm envisioning a demented version of Mario Kart right now, where the speeding vehicle has the "star" effect on......
I believe I have a solution to this problem. If you remove the accel pedal assembly from the car, you can hold it down without affecting the speed of the car at all. Also, to be extra safe, remove the cruise control too. :madgrin:
But, in that scenario there is still a linkage between the engine and the wheels. What if something happened that caused the engine to speed up...you'd be totally out of control! Best to just remove the engine, motor, and batteries entirely. Chuck
Obviously you have no idea what the Hell you're talking about. It took me three school zones before I came to a stop and that was only because I hit an embankment. School-aged children are horrible - repeat: HORRIBLE - for stopping a car with the cruise control set at any speed above 60mph. I thought for sure that their lower center of gravity would have worked better against the lower Prius grill but they did nothing to overpower the cruise. Clearly a recall is required. The cruise control needs to be re-engineered such that impact with more than five children should disengage the setting. This is the only way I can be sure the children are safe.
In this situation the safest thing to do is never get in the car. However, if you do, don't drive it.
glad to hear your Pri's CC is working EXACTLY as advertised!! i agree this is a thread that is all in bad taste to the funny, but the new media is currently spouting info that is all in bad taste to the ridiculous. problem is, not even this thread will come close to fixing damage to Toyota's rep... damage that is really not deserving. hopefully, we as humans will do what we normally do and in short time, move on to another "dire" issue **edit** definition; dire issue; 1) Paris unable to find a suitable shade of nail gloss to match her dress 2) a 6th grader making a politically incorrect speech WITHOUT holding her parents responsible for not completing controlling her opinions 3) another security issue discovered with Windows... oh wait!! that is misplaced, that was under the "normal, everyday issue" for computers. they dont do much... they only cause BILLIONS of dollars in added expense every year due to holes in systems that track and process the flow of our money...iow, unimportant stuff.
I have the opposite problem. I experience unintended deceleration when going up steep or long inclines. This creates an especially dangerous situation for driver and passengers whenever there's a vehicle 1" away from my rear bumper.
yes you did not think about that because in your aera there are only anorexia models on the playground of highschool. far less wieght. i usually look for a rock solid wall to stop my prius with. also in the same time testing my airbags so i know those are working for the time i need them. and i also have deceleration problem evenry time i lift my foot of the gas pedel i dont want it de slow done but it still does.
Serious post here...we have a Sienna with the laser cruise. It lulls you into following slow cars when you come up behind them, and when you pull out to pass the accelerator becomes 'floored' and the tranny downshifts. It's rather frightening (especially with the unintended accel stories), it's annoying and we seldom use it in laser mode as a result. I decided against the technology package because I HATE the van's laser cruise. I was wondering if anybody has the Prius laser cruise and if this is the kind of behaviour it shows. BTW, locking bumpers with the car in front of you tends to slow you down in a runaway; that's going to be my failsafe when and if I need it.
Sounds to me as if your driving position needs adjusting .... as in moving the seat further back, so your knees don't interfere with the steering wheel!
Am I the only one more concerned with other drivers' intended acceleration than my unintended acceleration. I just drove 60 miles of Denver freeway. Not fun.
As funny as that is, the cruise control won't work at anything above 80 MPH I believe. It's a federal law.
I had a case of unintended acceleration in my '09 Touring during hunting season last year-went through two game wardens and seven hunters before a cow stopped me.