Don't mean to be...mean, but is this really worthy of a new thread on the Forum. Glad you like it and all, but if we all had opened a new thread after we got ours and liked it, well you get the message. I hope.
If it is not worth starting a new thread then it it is not worth me visiting this forum is every one here a @$$ or just you? Man what a buzz kill you are. Jason
Sorry, guess the message didn't get through. Glad you're a '10 owner and that you're happy. But if all '10 owners had reported that on the forum, we'd all need to filter through more redundant threads than ever. Take a look at it from a macro view. And be real. If you had reported something truly important different story. Look through the threads and see if there are many as yours. The 'worth' is not simply to open a thread for the sake of it, but to add value or get value from gaining the topical knowledge and perspective of others. From The @$$...
Hey TNdriver, Forget what Roythepriusguy said to you. We all love our Prius and we all love all Prius owners here. I share your joy so keep on posting how you feel. Cheers.
He said he traded in a 2007 in for a 2010!!Not just I like my Prius!! Why reply? Just move on! Right on tndriver the G3 is just a better car all around. I don't miss my G2! Priuschat is a better place. Scott
There's plenty of threads of people just receiving their Prius. Heck, I opened one when I got my 2005. How hard is it to filter through? Just don't click if the title has any semblance of "I got mine!" or "Just bought one!" or "I finally did it!".
We are happy internet is still free, and we can post whatever we like. I wouldn't like my post not to be published by an admin, having to explain why I wrote that instead of the other. Then it comes to the intelligence of the rest of the community to read or not, further post and place such stuff on the last commented list etc. (Like I am doing now ;>) Enjoy democracy while it lasts!
Thanks guys and gals had just got home and was excited about my new ride. Thanks again for all the positive replies. Good time to trade fell i got a good dead gave me $13500 trade on my 07 with almost 70000 miles. 53 on the new one when I got it almost 200 now been out enjoying my new ride. Thanks again will keep my eye out here and read on the new 2010 a bit. Jason