House Panel Slams Toyota - WASHINGTON—U.S. lawmakers said Toyota Motor Corp. made misleading public statements about its recent recalls, and added the Japanese auto maker has resisted the possibility that electronic defects could cause sudden acceleration in its vehicles. Separately Monday, Toyota said it has received subpoenas from a U.S. grand jury and the Securities and Exchange Commission, both requesting documents related to unintended acceleration and the braking system of its Prius hybrid.
Of course owning 61% of General Motors ensures that the Congress will be fair with Toyota. Just a bunch of old fat ass_s trying to LOOK as if their competent. Like Ford GM & Chrysler never tried that!
Isn't that when you put more of your family members and lackies on your staff than is justifiable? It goes hand in hand with the theory of pork-barrelativity.
Now that never happens at dealerships....Some are paid to stay away! come to think of it I'll bet there is a certain namesake in Washington DC right now that wishes he would have waited another year or so to take the helm of his 'family business'. Tomorrow is going to be incredilby interesting.
Jesus christ, between Malorn, apriusfan and Indyking I can't go into any forum without reading a bunch of BS and drama.
CBS News has just published a story that says Toyota started working in 2005 to address "surging" reported by customers. This according to CBS is in direct conflict with Toyota's denials that it knew about "unintended acceleration." Toyota has responded saying surging is not unintended acceleration. Investigative journalism is on the rebound!
That's what makes me feel so uneasy about buying another toyota... every car is going to have a recall... every single one, but when you try to suppress a recall that you know is needed (one that puts safety in jeopardy)..... it's just disgustingly dangerous. Mr Toyoda better clean house and right this ship. I can see how owners are loosing faith in Toyota and I might be right there with them. Maybe this will wake people up to the fact that NO Car Co. is perfect and will quiet "toyota is the bestest" from the toyota apologist that rag on GM,Ford or Audi for doing the exact same thing.
Unbelievable. U.S. launches criminal probe into Toyota safety SEC also looking into executive behavior as Capitol Hill hearings begin Toyota faces criminal investigation - Autos- Expert: Electronic Design Flaw Linked to Runaway Toyotas Toyota Recall: Electronic Design Flaw Linked to Toyota Runaway Acceleration Problems, Expert Says - ABC News
I've never been particularly brand loyal. I know no company is perfect nor will every (or any) product be perfect. One thing I thought was interesting about the ABC story was how the professor went from this is something that might happen to a virtual certainty that every Toyota was a deathtrap. In any event, the story makes it clear that Toyota's engineers had reason to believe there wasn't a problem, but that they should have looked harder. The question is what they do with this.
Toyota installs brake override software on more models. Toyota expands acceleration recall | | Detroit Free Press
The Denver Post had an article that may help Toyota sales: gas will hit $3 this summer, and maybe $3.25.
I have the same viewpoint, every car can have problems especially since car companies get parts from parts manufacturers. So one faulty part (which a car company didn't build) could cause a world of headaches (and yes the car companies have a close relationship to the parts co and get things made to their specs) like the accelerator. Audi had a bad wiring and ford had horrible tires. So it happens, what compounds the issue is when an internal email or memo gets leaked that brings to light the fact that toyota (ford, and audi) knew about the issue. I can understand the fire storm that would create and justifiably so. The heat will hopefully get rid of lousy execs that would take safety second to profits. Of course profits are the name of the game, but should never be at the expense of your consumer base (particularly if they die because of your product)