when i lissen to the audio i dont really hear any fear. also to me it seems comments like acting like so calm. its also a oficer and for work driving a automatic car so he must know how to handle a private own automatic to put it in nutreal. i think some people killed the oficer and fakes the call to let it seem its a car crash. or not
Oh no, you are going to get beat up for this one. In minor defense of the OP, let me state that English is not his first language. I imagine this post sounds more callous than he intended. Tom
ok i am sorry i dont want to be offending or anything its just that i get a strange feeling when i hear those voices and these seem to be not that scared. but maybe i would react a lot more heavy.
CHP Officer, Family Killed in Crash | NBC San Diego Yes, there was a fatal crash of a Lexus. The cause was attributed to the gas pedal being stuck. The investigation found that the floor mats in the vehicle were not the proper ones for that model car and that they could not be secured properly. The car was a loaner (courtesy car) given to the family while their car was being serviced by the dealership. A previous customer who used the car claims that he reported to the dealer receptionist that the gas pedal had stuck while he had the car. Why the driver did not shift to N is unknown - also the driver could have shut the car down but was apparently not familiar with the SKS system in the car.
oo ok i did not mean that it did not happen i just wonder if the callers are realy those inside the car.
yes but pilots are trained for this and even without engine's the plane could still be under control ( electric backup systems keep steering etc working ) floating on the wind going down.
IMO the expectation of fear & panic in adverse situations is fueled by Hollywood. The situation seems to focus the mind and bring a level of calm. Panic & hysteria don't improve the situation.
Consumer Reports had an entry on the ES crash at Consumer Reports Cars Blog: More than floor mats: NHTSA report gives more details on Lexus crash. The NHTSA report is at http://www.safetyresearch.net/Library/NHTSA_Santee_Inspect.pdf. The car was loaner he was unfamiliar with. The shift pattern should look like Slideshow - 2009 Lexus ES 350 - Yahoo! Autos. Lexus ES 350 Involved in Fatal Crash Evidently Had a Stuck Throttle During Previous Loan links to Prior driver of Lexus says pedal stuck - SignOnSanDiego.com about what the previous driver reported.
I don`t think the lack of terror in the voice is odd at all. If you`ve been in a truly horrifying situation, emotions tend to shut down. The lack of screaming, panic, etc makes it sound a lot more realistic than if they`d been yelling and screaming. In a hospital situation, being told that I was going to die... The thing that stood out most to me was the shock and horror of my husband. I felt nothing. (But obviously didn`t die...)
I haven't driven one of these, but I'm assuming you select N by holding the shift lever in the upper position against the gate? I have to stop reading comments to articles posted on the net. In the CR article, there are some Prius owners who don't seem to know what will happen if they shift to N. Why don't they try it in case they need to do it? What horrible things do they think might happen? It is very distressing to me that people are frightened to figure out how their car works.
Thank you for posting all of these links. After reading them, I am at the same time horrified yet somewhat reassured as to the cause of this crash. Could factors other than the mat be involved? Well sure, anything is possible. But the fact that it happened to a previous driver of the vehicle rules that out in my mind. Also, the wear the previous incident but on the brakes helps to explain their failure in the second incident. When combined with that poor man's unfamiliarity with the SKS combined with that shift pattern and those speeds, those poor people didn't have a chance. I have been practicing putting my Prius into neutral. I have had no problems doing so. It does take about 1 second to engage, in other words, you cannot simply bang it over and let it go once you feel it hitting the mark. If you do so, it may just pop right back over. I had a loaner Corolla recently and I did not like the shift pattern. I had the car for 3 days and I never got used to it. It was somewhat similar to the one in the Lexus. I am glad the one in my Prius is more straight forward, in my opinion anyway. Perhaps I can go back to driving my car now without being terrified of EMI and EMP's!
Slideshow - 2009 Lexus ES 350 - Yahoo! Autos looking at this the nutreal is really clear but only if you look at it for a few seconds. so i also think that the N is not compleetly clear and under these conditions maybe prevent you from putting it in N. but when commenting that the horror in the voice is not there because people thent to keep a cool head. wy did this cool head not keep it cool and take a good look at the shift patern.