I confess that I'd watch gymnastics if I had a TV, but it's not worth it just for that. But I also confess that after someone mentioned it, I watched the entire first season of Buck Rogers In The 21st Century on Hulu, and I thought it was silly enough to be fun. I especially liked the robot, voiced by the famous Mel Blank. The second season the robot had a new voice and the show lost all its appeal.
I confess that I loved Buck Rogers, and the robot, as well! Goofy sci-fi shows are always fun I confess that I spend too much time on a computer...
Ha Ha. Do you think there should be a 12 step program for internet addicts? We could hold the meetings online. :madgrin:
I confess dogfriend's idea to be brilliant. Still, I'd rather be a sex addict. And no, not online. (Sorry, honey....it's an addiction...I just couldn't resist)
Since some of you confessed to watching Buck Rogers I will confess to having been a Mystery Science Theater 3000 addict! Where else can you watch cheesy movies with witty friends if you don't have witty friends that will watch this crap with you huh? LOL Watch Video Mystery Science Theater 3000 101 The Crawling Eye at blinkx
I must confess that even though I wasted many hours during grad school watching MST3K, I have not seen the episode that F8L linked to above, so I am now cursing him because I don't have 1.5 hours to watch it right now. :madgrin: My favorite episode is: Attack of the the Eye Creatures "They just didn't care."
I confess that as a kid I watched a lot of horror movies that were scary like the Mummy, Dracula, Frankenstein, Tarantula, but they were all slow. You knew you could out run 'em if you encountered them in real life. However the Hideous Sun Demon was not only scary but he was fast and no one could run away. I couldn't go to sleep for weeks after I saw that flick.
I confess to F8L and dogfriend that I have about 48 hours of MST3K on tape. My favorite episode is "I Was A Teenager From Outer Space." Check out fancast.com for a few episodes (under complete TV shows).
I started to watch it, and then I realized their intention was to run bad movies. So I skipped ahead, and realized the whole movie was as boring as the start. I suppose if you were stoned or drunk with friends, and the movie was just background distraction, you might have a good time making fun of it. But since I don't drink or use recreational drugs (yes, I know, I'm pretty stodgy that way) that show seems pretty vapid to me.
Their intention is to run bad movies and make fun of them. You either like their jokes or not. Sometimes several will go by without being that funny and then one will make you laugh out loud. But its not for everyone.
Okay. I get it. You sit through boring movies in order to hear a few jokes making fun of how bad the movies are. Nope. You're right: not my cup of tea.
The closer you are to 60, the more jokes you get. If I watch it with a couple of friends, we can get all of them in almost every episode. Daniel, you probably have to have sat around watching bad sci fi in college and riffing on it with friends to appreciate MST3K. The movie is irrelevant - it's the comments that the show is about.
I confess I worked really hard Thursday to trade off my Prius for a Honda Fit. In the end they wanted $6k cash to make the deal work. In 9 months, my used 2006 went from having book retail on the loan to being $6K upside down. The value continues to plummet - if I had the $6K it would be gone (and I suspect it will cost me more each month to get out from under it). I confess I would trade it for ANYTHING other than another Toyota about now...and mine is excellent (I feel for those in worse shape loan-wise). Cheap 2006, anyone?