What is good for Toyota, the old saying goes, is good for Japan How Japan views Toyota recall woes / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com At home, fiercely loyal Japanese drivers are wondering how a firm with a deserved reputation for quality and reliability could allow substandard vehicles to slip through its vaunted quality-control apparatus. Indeed, Toyota has fallen so far, so fast, that for a while Japan was simply in denial, from the Toyota executives who blamed US-made parts and even American drivers, to the pundits who sensed a US-led conspiracy aimed at denting Japan’s export industry Here I thought they were moving US forward? I guess by us they meant Japan INC.
Moved this thread to "Other Cars". Thought about moving it to Fred's, but decided it fit better here. Let's keep the News forum for actual news items and not articles of commentary.
? I have never rally been a reader, but always considered it a very toyota friendly publication. I guess I really did not know of any publication or media source that was not Toyota-friendly. Wow how times change.
I thinks the read is kind of funny. It's right there with, "FLASH" ... congress wants hearings ... FLASH ... Toyota President 'might' testify. FLASH ... Toyota president WON'T testify after all. FLASH ... Now he WILL testify ... FLASH ... maybe he'll change his mind. FLASH ... if he changes his mind ... might he change it back again? and FLASH ... if he changes his mind back again ... what does it mean? .