WASHINGTON—U.S. regulators stepped up their investigation of Toyota Motor Corp. on Tuesday, demanding documents from the Japanese auto maker to determine if it conducted recent recalls "in a timely manner." The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said it was using its statutory authority to compel Toyota to provide paperwork showing when and how the company learned of defects that led to the recall of six million vehicles in the U.S. Regulators Step Up Toyota Probe - WSJ.com
I doubt they'll find a "smoking gun." I'm nearly convinced that their success has made Toyota organizationally complacent - who cares about screwing over a few (thousand) customers when you have millions more to rely on, right? If there's a problem, it's the top-to-bottom corporate culture. Not like I'm backing GM either, who has been historically amazingly myopic.
Wow, imagine a GM dealer posting anti-Toyota links with misleading titles. And it would appear that this is not the first anti-Toyota posting by said GM dealer. Posters should reveal where their finacial interests lie, when posting propoganda. Financial disclosure: I have no finanical stake in GM or Toyota, I just think Toyota builds a better car than GM.
Technically, you do have a stake in GM due to the bailouts. You just don't stand to gain anything. eep:
Wonder how many millions/billions of dollars GM screwed out of folks on the stock when they went bankrupt, even after the bailout from the government? BTW anyone remember how much that bailout was?
Not nearly enough. Bob Lutz is going to have to apply for food stamps since he can only make $500,000 a year from your tax dollars. I mean, Toyota might be hurting right now, but still Mr. Lutz might have to sell off one of his yachts (bought with taxpayer bailout money, but still...)
What was misleading? I said smoking gun with a question mark. Why do you think the US govt resorted to statuatory authority? As for me, I think most PC posters who have been on here for any amount of time know me and my financial interests. HAve I ever tried to hide them?
The US government had no choice. The country would have experienced economic argageddon if GM would have folded. Maybe they could have reorganized without government help, maybe not, but even that uncertainty could have sent the country into a tailspin. Contrary to what some on here think, GM builds millions of vehicles here and that effects almost every industry. Once those suppliers had to shut down ford would have gone down and then even toyota would have had to cease production in the US. Remember 'W' started the auto bailouts. He had no choice.
Nice spin...btw i dont give a damn who started it. Gave them bailout $$$$ and they still went bankrupt screwing the stockholders and the non stockholders.
It was part of the plan. there was short-term money and long-term money. Do you think George Bush started the bailout for the UAW?
I'm glad people are starting to get what actually happened. GM was also able to walk away from EVERY contract they had in place, thus allowing them to re-negotiate all of them at lower amounts, thus increasing profit. All suits against the "old" GM were rendered moot (the corporation no longer had any capital to pay even if they were found to be in the wrong). All money owed by the "old" GM was flushed away by the bankruptcy. Who stood to gain from this "bailout," the US government, the US people, or GM management and board? Once you ask this question, it starts to become clear that the "bailout" was a form of corporate welfare, and the "takeover" was a method for GM to walk away from all their debts and commitments. So, was this really something Obama came up with to "help" the US economy, or something GM came up with that the President went along with as a payback for campaign donations and to curry favor with powerful GM Board Members? The speed with which it all happened is a good indication it was all set up way in advance.
Pre-packeged bankruptcy. Create a new corp, move the good assets and liabilites to that corp leave the old copr with bad debt and assets. Not a great alternative but the lonely alternative. Very sad, many people lost part or all of their pensions, insurance etc. This will raise some ire on here but the problems that were with GM are a reflection of the problems in this country as a whole and certainly the fed govt. too many entitlement promises that can't be kept because of shrinking manufacturing which caps the ability to raise revenue. The only difference between the old MG and the federal government is the feds have a printing press.
And yet you sell government motors vehicles, which are only available to sell because of the very things you criticise. Worse yet, you are a republican supporter and the republicans are the ones that wanted to let GM die in favor of their new IMPORTED auto plants in the south.
I am not a republican, conservative-leaning independent. One of my issues with the Republ is their relationship with wall street and the very short term thinking that has gone on with the exporting of the middle class. Padded the pockets of certain investor and corps inthe short-term, now what do we do to create jobs? There is only one way to create jobs, create something. On the GM bailout especially, there was no choice, Republican, Democrat even Shelby and some of the other nice person-holes would have caved whne the shit started hitting the fan. Most of you will scoff at this but today we would hae another 10% of unemployment at least if GM had been let go down, the dominoes would have started falling. You want to see where this country is headed take a tour through Detroit, Flint, Youngstown, toledo, parts of chicago, milwaukee, cleveland, st louis. It is not good.
Many of us don't like the dems "relationship with wall street" too. I agree with much of what you said....except about you being an independant. I've read your posts for long enough to know better. Every position you take has always been in lock step with the conservative talking points. When the republicans stance is against yours as it was with the GM bailout....you went totally silent as opposed to criticising the republicans.
No I was not a fan of George Bush the last term nor was I a fan of McCain. It looks like right now he may have been the lesser of two evils but Obama still has three years to right the ship. The repubs will benefit from the 'tea party' movement because their agenda lines up a little closer to the repubs than the dems but mostly they will benefit in 2010 because they are not the party in power. As much as I hated TARP in theory at that moment in time there was no choice unless we wanted to enter a very deep depression. If I run for office it may be as a republican but only because it is almost impossible for an independent to win.
This thread is quickly headed toward the politics board, but I agree with most of what you say, Malorn. I disagree that GM would have gone under. I agree there was a POSSIBILITY of it, but GM had faced bad times in the past that I believe were just as bad. I believe they engineered the bankruptcy as a quick and easy fix to difficult problems, which would allow them to continue with business as usual (radical change isn't easy - I know because I'm a Management Scientist and a Process Improvement consultant among other things). The domino effect if the HAD gone under would have brought down all their suppliers which, in turn, would have halted the lines of Ford and Chrysler (since they all use many of the same suppliers). Your ten percent is probably about right. The Tea Party movement will have some of the same effect, hopefully, on both parties that other independent runners in the past have - it shows the parties that the people are serious about platforms other than theirs. This may be the closest we will ever have to escaping the two-party system in this country, unfortunately. Libertarians have made great inroads in local and state politics, but have had little effect on national (not supporting or trashing, just using them as an example).