I am about to go to the dealership with intent on buying a new Prius. I am torn between geting a basic III with no options, or a IV with the solar roof. To help figure this out, I am curious to know what others have paid for their cars. I am TERRIBLE at haggling and I want to walk in and say my good friend just bought one for $X and I am not paying one penny more. I have checked edmunds and kbb, but I would like to hear direct real world pricing. Please include the date and dealership. Thank you! PS: I did the search already, but most of the posts were well before the recall craziness.
29875 Package IV with solar, cargo net, mats, bumper sticker thing on the bumper. Only problem is they still have to find it. Supposedly they already have it available for trade at another dealership, so I will get the car sometime next week. I was quoted 31 and change and they took my first offer at 29875. I probably could have gone much lower! I was at plaza auto mall in Brooklyn.
Not for nothin, I am kinda pissed I didn't start lower. Let this be a warning to other people getting ready to pull the trigger. There is some sort of dealer hold back on the prius. My salesman inadvertently left his calculator on the desk and it showed 1800 or so. I am assuming that is the profit. I really feel like I could have said 29 flat and he still would have taken the offer. I mean, I said 29875 and he came back like five seconds later writting the thing up. I paid sales tax and 265 in DMV fees. 32754 OTD.