"Dancing Queen" was the first song on the CD at the bar, and the one that ended up being a conga line dance. They played several other songs for us, including "Waterloo", which was our song from the follies. We attempted to do our entire dance routine in the small space between the pool table and back wall. :doh: Tom
Quote from a female friend: "You were really shaking that little booty of yours." I think that was a positive comment, although it could be like looking at a child's artwork and saying "Oh, that's interesting..." Tom
I probably should have pointed this out in the OP, but the woman I am dancing with is my wife. On the other hand, I spent an equal amount of time dancing with the guy in the middle, which may explain something about the cute butt comment. Tom
I started to post that I'm glad you cleared that up, but on further reflection I think further review of the replay is needed. j/k