my name is Koen and I live in The Netherlands (yes, in Europe). I currently drive a BMW 540i Touring, but I'm switching to a 2010 Prius in the next few weeks. I have ordered this wonderful combination: Prius 2010 Dynamic (NAV, LED lights, reverse camera, park assist) Pearl White Special 1 leather interior (Black with red, will post pictures as soon as I get it). Options I ordered on the Dynamic: USB/iPod/iPhone link JPB premium sound with DAB tuner PDC front (with off-switch) Protective transparent strip at the back Active dust-filter What I miss (and have asked my dealer for): Tire Pressure Monitoring (I hope that will be available) Remote engine start Engine Block Heater (or an alternative like DEFA WarmUp) De-badged and repainted back panel (costs Eur 350) Extra 12v in the front of the car Windscreen fluid monitoring system I have also asked for the special leather brochure, when I get that I will post a scan of it.
Thanks. About the color choice, I actually wasn't going to choose the Pearl White at first. I wanted the Pure White (non metallic). But that would mean a four month wait instead of a two month, so I went with the Pearl. It does kind of grow on you though. I am really glad I'm going to get the Pearl now.
Welkom Koen, en gelukwensen op uw nieuwe aankoop! I am curious to know more about the windscreen fluid monitoring system. This is one feature I miss from my previous cars over the last 15 years and would be very interested in fitting one to my vehicle as well. As for the color, I was never a fan of white vehicles. However, I am very happy with my Pearl White. NB: Just got done playing around on website. I forgot how much you all paid in Europe for vehicles! Cripes!
Sounds like a really nicely optioned vehicle! You do get more options (dealer, not factory) than we do. We just small items like cargo nets, floor mats, ashtray, bluetooth and for the exterior, some chrome bits and a license plate cover lol.
Good that you mention the license plate cover. Here in .nl the license plate cover is (by default) a really ugly black plastic thing, that normally says something like 'this car was provided by dealer such and such' or just 'dealer such and such'. I have discussed the license plate cover with my dealer and they are willing to put on my prius any cover I provide them with. I know we have larger license plates over here in .eu but what would you recommend? Any links to nice (affordable) license plate holders?
welcome with the solar pack prius you get remote temp control. so i guess thats wy you wanted remote ice start? to start the climate control remotely? and what are PDC front?
I didn't want the solar pack since that takes 3cm from the headroom and I am quite a tall person. Plus, I want a silent car and the solar package will probably (my guess) add noise to the car. I mainly want remote ICE start to warm the car up, not so much as to cool it. And PDC stands for Park Distance Control, those radar sensors that let the car beep when you get close to obstacles.
Same here in North America. Toyota's license plate cover is a clear plastic cover to which you slot your licence plate inside (vs. just a black plastic frame from the dealer). I have no suggestions since ours is squarer than yours. Over here, people just mount the plates without frames or use a clear or lightly blue-tinted plastic cover. I didn't realise that you guys have license plate covers/frames. I thought it was just the plate.
Thanks, but my hairstyling doesn't need a dryer and I have clean teeth already. But seriously, the 2010 prius' badges are pinned on, and leave holes in the car, so to fix that you have to (have) the holes plastered and then the part that contained the holes repainted, hence the 350 euros. But I decided not to do it already. Perhaps I should buy my wife a new hairdryer instead.
Attached is an example of a typical dutch license plate on a Lexus. Notice that black border around the yellow plate. The bottom part usually contains the name of the dealer in white or yellow times new roman.
Ahh interesting... I guess I haven't been to your neck of the woods yet =P. At least we can claim the "most unique licence plate" award . I'll tell you right now, it's not square or rectangular.
FYI: There is also a big dutch prius-site with a great forum: Toyota Prius info site And a very informative german forum: - Forenliste - Priusforum Some experiences with tire pressure monitoring (in german): - Re: Reifen-Druckverlustwarner - Erfahrungen? - Priusforum
Thanks, I am already a member of the dutch forum, but it is much lower traffic than this one. "Meinem deutsch ist nicht besonders gut." so while it might be interesting to read I will probably not participate in the discussions over in that forum.
Hi Koen Sorry for the ignorant question but my Dutch is very rosty. The dust filter, is that the: "Interieurfilter (actief koolstoffilter)"? Is that just the filter element or is there something else required?
Indeed, it is just the filter element, nothing else required (but I believe that to put it in you'll have to remove just about the entire glove cabinet). To translate literally: Interieur = interior filter = filter actief = active koolstof = carbon So basically it's an active carbon filter.
Today I picked up my Prius. :cheer2::rockon::clap2: I got the plain black numberplate holders. Here are some pictures, including some of the interior with the black and red leather.