would love any input from people about staying away from certain year or package, etc from my research it seems all the prius are good cars, good reliability, etc but in case i missed something please feel free to point it out
The 06 model year marked the beginning of a lot of changes/improvements such as ditching the tape deck, making the AUX input jack an option, optional backup camera, and the possibility of a higher res LCD/MFD. The dash texture also changed starting w/the 06s. See https://priuschat.com/forums/knowle...andard-optional-equipment-some-countries.html for more. The 04 and 05 Priuses could potentially have a dodgy MFD (Prius MFD). I'm not sure when the problem was resolved. The traction control on the Prius is very sensitive (kicks in easily) but I've seen people here state that it became less sensitive starting w/a certain year. Hopefully someone can comment on which year.
It was resolved sometime during the 2005 model year. I bought mine in 12/05 and the MFD has behaved ... so far. I think however, as Cwerdna suggests, that if I was in the market for a used Gen II, I probably would target 2006 and later.
FWIW, I have an 06 and my HIDs are fine. But, HIDs aren't standard equipment. You only get them if you have a high enough package.
The #2 package in the Gen II is worth the extra money, the backup camera and the AUX port are handy. I also thought that front passenger (or maybe just driver) seat airbags became standard after 06. If you buy a vehicle with more than 60000 miles ask whether the PVC valve has been replaced and whether the transaxle fuel has been replaced. For more info check the sticky "what services you need".
Another FYI, for those not in CARB states, such as the OP, the HV battery warranty is 8 years/100K miles. It's 10 years/150K miles in CARB states.
You sure about that? From looking at 2010 Nissan Altima Sedan, Hybrid | Specs | Nissan USA, AZ is not listed as a CARB state... err one where the NAH is available. I don't know how Toyota's CARB warranty works if a car were originally registered and operated outside a CARB state then later brought into one, so to be on the safe side, I'd prefer one that was always in a CARB state.
well maybe you are right, i did 3-4 searches and finally found something for a lits of carb states i think it was on wikipedia? anyway az was listed there, but i dont know anything about carb, etc i could be wrong, i will ask around and see whAT i can find out
CARB stands for California Air Resources Board. California has an emission category for AT-PZEV (Advanced Technology Partial Zero Emission Vehicle) which the Prius qualifies under. To qualify as an AT-PZEV car, the warranty on the AT-PZEV components must be 10 years/150,000 miles. The main battery is part of the AT-PZEV components, hence in CARB states (states that have adopted the CARB rules), the main battery is covered for the 10 year/150,000 mile period. Note that the car must have had the retail in-service delivery occur in a CARB state (and the replacement of AT-PZEV components probably must be done at a dealer located in a CARB state) to receive the AT-PZEV warranty.
What are the problems with the HIDs? There was an issue where when the HID bulb failed, Toyota required the entire unit to be replaced at a cost of ~$750! But recently, Toyota released a service bulletin revising the requirement to replace the entire unit to replace the bulb alone. Toyota also reduced the replacement cost of the HID bulb to something like $120 (from $350-ish). I don't have the exact numbers, but the cost amounts that I posted are close.
cvincent, Correct, at least not without a lot of added expense of the whole headlight buckets & the controllers, etc.---it's NOT just a simple bulb swap. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)