I confess that... [above added so the following will fit the theme of this thread] I would not confess on an internet chat board to anything that would actually qualify as a confession. Sure, there are things about me that would shock and dismay my friends and delight my enemies, but I ain't gonna list them here! I notice that nobody else is confessing to anything of moment either. "I confess I took a pill." Hell, I take a dozen pills a day, all by prescription. The most serious "confession" we've heard is "I use the heater in my car." I'll confess to things I'm proud of, though: I served six months in federal prison for trying to dig a nuclear missile silo out of the ground with a pick and shovel. I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane ten thousand feet above Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Or I'll confess to things that don't matter: I dance to boogie woogie when I'm alone. I sing along with the gospel song "Higher Ground" but I substitute "noodly" every place it fits. "... my aim, my goal is noodly ground." I confess that I'm only posting this because I'm sick and I'm bored. I needed a break from reading my book. Now I'm going back to the book...
I confess that I admire Daniel for going after a nuclear silo with a pick and shovel! I also called my DH and suggested dinner out, because I didn't want my clean kitchen dirtied tonight
I confess that it is pretty neat to see snow coming down in Wilmington, NC for the first time in years. It is scheduled to warm up to 50F on Sunday. My kind of snow.
I confess that the Opening Ceremonies of the Vancouver Olympics had some boring moments. Of course my heart goes out for the family of the Georgian luger who lost his life.
I confess that I had the "I'm glad it wasn't my kid" thought today when my boys came in from playing to tell me that the neighborhood bully threw a metal star at our 4 year old neighbor and hit him in the eye. We are waiting to see if he's ok. For the first time ever, I have forbid my kids to play with someone.
Thanks. Yesterday and today my voice is almost gone, though my throat does not hurt as much. My doc said phone him if I'm still sick on Monday. I'll probably walk in instead. I "confess" that I'm sick of being sick.
I confess that I am trying to do my research take-home midterm but I keep drifting back here instead. I mean who really cares about the role and value of objectivity in the research process? *hook baited *
ound: I confess your doctor has inadvertently said one of the funniest things I have heard lately. Phone the doc if your voice is still out! ound:
Actually, my voice had not yet been affected when he said to phone him if I didn't get better. And I can talk. I just sound really funny.
OK, OK, take all the fun out of it! Hey, I figured it out! They used HELIUM instead of nitrogen! It's starting to come out of blood suspension and is making your voice all high and funny! I knew if we worked hard enough we could blame that diving trip for this! Now, get a lawyer and sue the pants off that dive shop!
Helium eliminates "rapture of the deep" so you remain clear-headed at depth. It does not eliminate the bends. If you get any significant helium load you still have to decompress. And while there would be no point in using heliox instead of nitrox for the kind of diving I do, and it would be a lot more expensive, it would all be out of my system by the time I flew home, or I'd have gotten the bends in the plane, which I did not. And even if they had given me helium and it had made my voice funny, I could not sue for it unless it caused me harm, which helium does not, any more than nitrogen if you skip a decompression obligation. IOW, there'd be no grounds for a lawsuit if they had used helium, which they wouldn't, because of the cost. FWIW, the reason amateur technical divers use tri-mix rather than straight heliox is the cost of helium. They figure out how much nitrogen they can tolerate, and how much oxygen they can tolerate (above 1.6 bar partial pressure of oxygen, it will kill you suddenly and spectacularly, and can do so as low as 1.4 bar) and then use helium to make up the rest. But they still have to decompress if they are going deep enough to make helium worth the expense. And decompression can be hours. Using a different gas mixture, because their bottom gas does not have enough oxygen in it to keep them alive at the shallower depths they are decompressing at. It's all extremely complicated and requires very sophisticated planning regarding depths, times, and gas mixtures. Recreational diving is so much easier. Just stay within your no-deco limit, and if using nitrox, stay above your max depth, and observe your no-fly time, and your chances are pretty good. Oh, and don't touch the really ugly fish. Most of them will make you wish you were in a North Korean torture camp instead. I confess that I am rambling, out of boredom...
I confess that every time I read the comments on YouTube or on a news article online, I lose even more of my faith in humanity.
1st Confession - I confess to going on a date last night with the most amazing and beautiful girl I've ever been lucky enough to have ask me out! 2nd Confession - The meds I took to counteract my allergy to iodine contrast medium (CAT scan) didn't work and now I have a full body rash that itches like mad!
I confess I'm glad I don't have F8L's rash - dry winter skin in Denver is bad enough, thank you! :smow: