Or perhaps "Break a leg". We have a fund raising "follies" program this weekend. I'm off to dress rehearsal. Tomorrow is the show. If we get a good DVD, I'll try to post it so you guys can make fun of me. Now that I think about it, considering that this is PC, it should be "Brake a leg". Tom
Have unintended acceleration, loss of steering leading to wandering off course, and brake failure?? :high5:
Not only are you wearing a dress to a rehearsal, but you announce it publicly, record it for our amusement, and then invite us to make fun of you?! You need more than luck, my friend. But sure, bust an arm.
Break a leg, Tom. (I hate that expression, but I know it's the custom in show business. I hope your fund-raiser is a success.)
It's not quite a dress. Picture ABBA at their worst... We survived the dress rehearsal. Half an hour and we are off to the real performance <gasp>. Tom
Break a leg Tom. Do post a video (I love seeing stuff like this if it has people in it that I know). Is the fund raiser for your school district or related to your school board work?
We have a program that pays college tuition for all graduates of our high school. This fund raiser was for that endowment. The Northport Follies performed to a full house, and everyone seemed to have a great time. I know I enjoyed it. We had a wrap party at the only open local bar (winter - most bars are closed). We were still in ABBA costume, and someone put on a ABBA CD, so we danced again for the bar, and ended up with an ABBA "conga line" dancing around the bar. It was a bit surreal. I discovered one advantage of dancing with a bunch of women (2 men, 6 women): When the photographer kept saying "squeeze in, squeeze in closer" it was quite pleasant. No photos or video yet, but the photographer and videographer were there, so I should be able to get copies. Tom
No video yet, but here are some photos. I'm the one in the dark blue shirt. Let the cheap shots begin... Tom
I had a man from another act tell me I had a cute butt. I didn't know whether to be flattered or concerned. Tom
Mama Mia was the inspiration, but don't blame me. I was strong-armed into this by the choreographer. She needed two shameless males to center the group. The other male works for her, but that still doesn't explain what caused my temporary insanity. Actually it was a lot of fun. We closed the show (by design, not because of how bad we were). Two hours in the green room is long enough to make you realize that you no longer remember the words to the song or any of the choreography. All you can do is run out onto the stage on cue and hope it all comes back to you. Tom
Well I certainly hope some future college kid appreciates your willingness to sacrifice your dignity for their education. But perhaps "sacrifice" implies a loss of something once held and as such may not be appropriate in this case.:rockon: