As you all know from his periodic updates, Justin is experiencing medical issues and is fighting cancer. He has insurance coverage but he's accruing expenses for co pays. He just received an indication that he'll need extensive medical care for the months to come, if he's to be successful combating this disease. I've communicated my intent to establish this thread and I was finally able to have him consent to my posting his information. He's uneasy accepting help but I was finally able to get him to acquiesce as I assured that I am merely providing a platform for people to assist if they are willing and able. His mailing address is as follows: Justin Wages 1402 Cobble Creek Circle Rocklin, CA 95677 I've no clue how to integrate a pay pal account so the more tech savvy folks can assist where my lack of knowledge leaves off, if one would be so kind. I inquired if he has a pay pal account and he does. Maybe this would make for a simple addition to this thread. I hope that this posting in no way competes with TJ's need for monetary assistance as this is not my intent. Please continue to remember that he, too, continues to battle a disease and continues to need help.
What a great idea, SSimon. Rumour has it assistance from eligible young females would be most appreciated as well. Now that you've got the address... (Sorry, buddy, I couldn't resist. I'm sure you'll pay me back somehow.)
I started a thread to help Justin in the areas in which he appears to need help. We can start the supplementary "friendship" thread when his energy is back up.
I may be mistaken, but I believe all thats needed for people to send bucks via paypal is an email addy. He should have one that is attached to his paypal account.
I get the feeling Justin appreciates humor at least as much as money. I'll mail some of each on Monday.
We still need Paypal information for him.... I'm sure more donations would be forthcoming if someone could get the account Email address and post it here. Thanks... :thumb:
Here's Justin's email address with the intent that you can access his pay pal account: [email protected] I'm not sure how pay pal works to know if this will be of any help. Thanks, guys. I know he's very appreciative of all the nice thoughts.
Thank you for the intent behind this thread. It seems like every time I get bad news all I have to do is come to PC and things start looking better! As long as one stays out of the political forum and avoids the "Global Warming" thread.... I will supposedly start another round of chemo this Monday if they get my Port installed in time otherwise it will be later in the week. I'll likely go bald this time but that is the least of my worries. I just don't want to miss any work.
Just checking in dear... did you indeed go bald? Bald is sexy! ps. I think F8L is still doing chemo and could probably still use some help?
Thank you two. I'm doing "well". The chemo is not fun but compared to what my friend, who has a rare form of cancer, is going through I have it easy. After the first few doses and multiple trips to the ER everything smoothed out and now I just deal with non-emergency symptoms like the following: Neuropathy (my fingers, mouth, and feet go numb) Frequent nose bleeds Heart attack symptoms (arms, jaw and chest very painful) Fatigue Nausea I only carry around my chemo pump for two days every two weeks which is nice so I schedule my outdoor work around those days. I had an catheter port surgically installed in my upper chest that allows access to my jugular vein for chemo infusion. I did have an incident where I was closing a ranch gate and the cap popped off my infusion tubing. A few miles down the road blood started pouring out of my chest. The rancher was pretty concerned but I just pressed my finger over the outlet and we finished our mission of scouting for flying squirrels. lol I later found the cap and all was well. I am applying for a grant from Kaiser that will hopefully pay for my next surgery to reverse the ileostomy (guy in the pic isn't me) and for all my testing. I am doing fine and for those amazing friends that helped me in the beginning I thank you with all my heart. You helped me though a VERY rough time and now I can see a light at the end. Well, there is still the matter of a riddle I was sent and I have yet to figure out...... Ohh, I didn't go bald. Still have all my hair and as a side bonus I've gained weight! I went from 167lbs to 185lbs. At 6'3" that is still slim but I'll take what I can get.
F8L, Serious question, though it sounds like I'm trying to be funny; Do you qualify to legally use marijuana for medical reasons?
I think I do, especially in California. lol I actually tried it once when the nausea was really bad but I didn't like it much and the fact that it made sushi taste AMAZING made me not want to do it again or I'd just go broke tokin' and eating sushi.
It's good to hear you're hanging tough, and keeping your sense of humour. I have fond memories of the good times we've shared, and I know you do too. It's really too bad there's no all-you-can-eat sushi places nearby.