I have a 2008 Prius with 25K miles and just put brand new Nokian tires on the car (as recommended by this site). The car does NOT brake after hitting bumps (washboard-like) in the road. Additionally, the car slips in the rain and snow ALL THE TIME and the immediately after that, I have no brakes. I agree with the person who said it 'feels like hydroplaning'. This is a REAL and SERIOUS issue. I am now very concerned about driving this car. In fact, I am so concerned I am thinking about dumping the car.
one additional note.... Right before I lose my brakes, the yellow 'traction control' (slippery surface) light comes on then goes off.
If we get enough domestic US responses, do you think they will do anything about it? I need a place to vent!
It sounds to me like your ABS system is not working--it's turning the brakes off, not cycling them on and off. What does your Toyota dealer say about your problem?
Probably not but i bet the Kelly Blue Book value of your car will drop some more the more complaints that are made!
I have had this problem since I bought the car (although it didn't seem as frequent in the beginning, but still happened). They told me that 'it is normal for the traction light to come on over rough surfaces'. I say BS.
The Toyota Worshipers on this site will never agree with you. but I agree: the brakes on my '06 will quit momentarily when the low traction light comes on (braking over bumps). I've never had another car do this (I've had 60 cars, many of them with anti-lock brakes). With anything less than very agressive snow tires it won't go in the snow in Denver. I've been trying to trade it off since winter started, but owe too much (and with the current media frenzy and the dropping book value, this is only getting worse). Hopefully you aren't upside down in yours. Good luck with your shopping!
I have had cars that had traction control in the past and never had this problem. If I brake HARD on a flat dry surface, I can feel the ABS kick-in. It only seems to be a problem with rough and slippery surfaces. After the traction light goes out, I still don't have braking for a few seconds - which is REALLY unnerving...
PriusLewis - thanks man. I definitely agree with you, and I also owe too much to sell this without pain. I am planning on buying a third car (maybe a Jeep w/ 4x4), so I know I have traction.
Perhaps one of these threads would have been the correct location: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...ege-braking-issue-applies-gen-ii-priuses.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...our-gen-ii-has-brake-problem-please-vote.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/75752-heres-what-i-do-about-braking-issue.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/75665-prius-brake-problem-confirmed-tech.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/19415-brake-failure-2005-prius.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/73924-braking-issues-in-gen-ii.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...ch-fix-abs-response-time-in-gen-ii-prius.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/75666-toyota-sinking-faster-than-titanic.html Do we really need another thread about this same topic? Tom
Your 2008 Prius has a problem, per you. Therefore, all 2008 Prius have a problem? Oh wait, I forgot to RANDOMLY capitalize certain WORDS.
This thread is the grossest example of post whoring that I've ever seen. Is there an hourly/daily/weekly/annual prize for this? :first: Alternative: the EDIT button.
I thought this site was supposed to be a fair and unbaised discussion around our experiences with our own Prius cars. I started a thread because I saw several other people having similar experiences. If I am dealing with pompous, uncaring individuals, that only care how their site looks and not deal with real issues, then thanks, but no thanks. I think PriusLewis was on the money by saying there are mostly Toyotaphiles who are snobs on this site.
I think your discussion is fine. What I object to is the creation of another redundant thread. Surely you researched this problem before you clicked the "create thread" button. Tom
I have a '06 with the same problem. As this is the first car I have owned with traction control, I assumed it was supposed to have a momentary skip in braking. There is more to the problem than what Toyota is admitting to.
Thanks Qbee64. I did look at the other threads (although I missed a couple). But what I don't see is any real solution. There has to be a mechanic on this site who works with Prius that can definitively say that this is a computer problem related to the regenerative breaking. Also, if there is no solution (yet) for the 2008 issues, I am willing to contact Toyota HQ to discuss as I have some contacts that may be able to help. There is now so much going on with the on-board computers (between controlling the brake lighting, Antilock capabilities, and now regenerative braking) that with the millions of lines of coded, there is potentally some bugs. In addition, the stiff frame does not appear to be the issue as this occurs on wet flat surfaces as well. I do not want to cause issues on the site and if I should have posted under a separate thread, then so be it. I am not sure what constitues the creation of a separate thread though.