Bad RCA cables or bad wire run??

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by KCobby, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. McKeeius

    McKeeius New Member

    Apr 5, 2009
    Redwood City, CA
    2009 Prius
    Ok so I should try to:
    1. take out the head unit - which I should be able to figure out using the guides here.
    2. take out the filters they put on which should be as simple as just unplugging them I hope. there are 2.
    3. Then I need to disconnect the RCA's and remove them - the RCAs will run through the front and rear doors? So I will need to take the door panels off to take out the cables right?
    4. Then run the cables from the amp to the head unit through the passenger side - which I am not sure I understand how they go from door to head unit, I will have to remove something else it sounds like?

    Thanks for helping with this, should I follow a guide like Metra, or maybe use Crutchfield support?
  2. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    #1 Yes

    #2 Most likely

    #3 Disconnect the RCAs but they do not run through the doors. Just the sills below the doors which is a piece of cake. The panels covering the sills pop right off. See pic below

    #4 Yes but they don't go through the doors. You will see what we mean when you pop the sill plates off. There is a nice channel that will hold the RCAs.

    If you have trouble call me. :)

    This pic shows a sill plate and the panel that covers it. The piece to the inside of the lighted PRIUS words is what I consider the sill plate for our purposes. You just pop that piece off by hand. Pic taken from this post:

  3. McKeeius

    McKeeius New Member

    Apr 5, 2009
    Redwood City, CA
    2009 Prius
    Oookay that sounds pretty reasonable to me, I have no problem unplugging stuff and moving it around, I will give it the old college try and hopefully some good things will happen, do you think I would need to move the black-grounded wire location as well? I am now tempted to go out and work on this while Im at work... Better judgement is telling me to wait till I get home.

    F8L advice on removing the the aftermarket head unit below the stock unit? Am I going to really need get behind that thing.
  4. KCobby

    KCobby Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    NYC area
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Hey ejmckee - we may be doing the same thing tomorrow! :thumb:

    I'm also going to run my RCA's on the other side. I'm convinced that running next to the power cable is what's causing the problem. It could be the amp grounding, but I don't see how it would change when the engine in on as opposed to having it in ACC mode.

    (I'm also going to crimp down the RCA connections a tad...) I also agree that it looks like the blue wires are the RCA although they could be speaker wire, but I think it's the RCA. You can certainly tell by checking on the amp.

    I'm not going to worry about running the remote lead to the other side right now and see if it affects anything. I've read mixed opinions about whether or not the remote lead makes any difference. So I guess we'll see before I put things back together.

    Follow this View attachment Removing Prius Stereo.pdf which I found was the best and easiest instruction to take apart your dash. And yes, you'll unfortunately need to do that to get behind the head unit. Luckily for me, I haven't put my dash back together yet! :rolleyes:

    And in case you're wondering...yes, you CAN drive around with things just sort of hanging around by the wires. Just don't recommend it...:p

    But all in all, the removal is pretty easy really. It's amazing how much of the Prius is held together just plastic connectors! If you have time, I'd recommend picking up a door panel puller, plastic if possible. You don't need it, but it sure helps a lot. Maybe you have access to an auto parts store that would probably carry it. I had to order online. But once you get it all apart, you only just need to pull the entire stereo unit (along with the Kenwood) out - pull out the front cup holder and rest it on that. You won't have to disconnect any big stuff, just pull it out enough to get access to the RCAs.

    Anyway, out of everything I did, that was one of the easier parts. Good luck and let us know how it turns out! I'll do the same. I'll be able to check here frequently so I'll help out if I can too!
    Justin Guimond likes this.
  5. McKeeius

    McKeeius New Member

    Apr 5, 2009
    Redwood City, CA
    2009 Prius
    Ok yea the blue's are the RCA's although different brands can be different colors. I think I will be giving this a shot tomorrow night when I have little more time, the thing that I wonder about is the folks at the audio shop said they ran RCAs outside the car and that didnt do the trick, but I am hoping they were wrong.
  6. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Hmm, if they did that then maybe your ground should be changed first. Did they say whether they tried new RCAs when they ran them outside the car?

    An, a side note. Weird things can happen when wires get pinched too.
  7. McKeeius

    McKeeius New Member

    Apr 5, 2009
    Redwood City, CA
    2009 Prius
    I cant really tell whether or not they tried new cables when they moved them, so I will just have to try everything, how would I go about changing the grounding point? what tools?
  8. don_chuwish

    don_chuwish Well Seasoned Member

    May 1, 2009
    Southern Oregon
    2007 Prius
    10mm socket wrench probably fits that bolt. See if the ring terminal on the end of that ground cable will reach to some other bolt that's NOT part of the traction battery case. Look to the left for example, there's a little white plastic box bolted down to the floor (see photo), you might be able to get the terminal under one of those nuts. Just make sure the cargo tray isn't going to end up stepping on it.

    - D

    Attached Files:

  9. KCobby

    KCobby Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    NYC area
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Well, here's hoping you have better luck than me...

    Today I ran the RCA on the other side, and tried a different grounding point (where Don has his) and although it's better, the high pitch is still there. Running the cable straight down the center seems best...but I ain't about to rip up the carpet. I'm ordering new RCA cable right now. I'll let you know in a few days if it works...gotta run now. Needless to say I'm super frustrated!!
  10. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I'm sorry you guys are having such problems with noise. It is very frustrating for sure. It drives us nuts at the shop (when I worked there) too.

    I wish you were closer so we could swap decks and see if it is a problem with your head unit. :(
  11. McKeeius

    McKeeius New Member

    Apr 5, 2009
    Redwood City, CA
    2009 Prius
    That sucks KCobby, I haven't had the time to try yet, and tonight isn't looking good - maybe tomorrow I will try it out.

    I will give everything a shot this week, and if things don't work out maybe I will need to arrange to make the trip to your shop F8L - in Fairfield?
  12. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I could meet you there on some weekend sure. I stopped working there once I got sick but they are my friends and would let me work on your car. :)
  13. don_chuwish

    don_chuwish Well Seasoned Member

    May 1, 2009
    Southern Oregon
    2007 Prius
    I'm beginning to think that the only reason I DON'T have the whine is that my amp for the front components is under the passenger seat. But it's also a different brand of amp, different HU, etc., so there are a lot of variables.
    I DO have an unbearable hiss tho, which doesn't change with volume or the state of the car. Turn on to ACC and with the stereo on you hear hiss, no matter how far down I turn the amp gains (short of no sound at all of course!). Turn the volume down to 1 and you hear it, up to 50 and it's no louder. Very weird.
    So in hopes of fixing that I've just bought the lightly used AudioControl LC6i off of McKeeius! In email exchanges with one audio guru he didn't think it would fix it, so I didn't want to pay full retail in an experiment. I called AudioControl and of course they think it will help! So we'll see.
    Once again, PriusChat cooperation to the rescue (hopefully!). Thanks again McKeeius! BTW, clever new nickname!

    - D
  14. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Both of my amps are mounted in the rear storage tray and I have zero noise and zero hiss. So the location should not be an issue.

    Could there be any pinched wires?
  15. KK6PD

    KK6PD _ . _ . / _ _ . _

    Mar 24, 2008
    Los Angeles Foothills
    Other Hybrid
    Having been following this thread for a while now, a couple of new thoughts...
    The "whine" sounds like it is DC power noise due to the electonics in the car. In a normal auto the alternator produces this sort of whine due to the AC and rectification process. A standard noise filter while sufficient, is tuned for alternator noise frequency.
    It is usually cured by grounding the equipment directly to bare metal on the chassis rather than an available factory ground bolt as is often used to save time. You'll also need to make sure your charging system is in top condition and that your connections between the battery and components are secure as well as the integrity of the factory ground strap, an often overlooked component. You might also consider switching your RCA cables to a twisted pair model. Twisted pair cables will usually be less prone to noise than their coaxial counterparts.

    This could be part of your problem. RS is not known for their Hi Quality Cable. This is one trick that I have used many times professionaly, which results in damn near 99% effective shielding. Unfortunatly if this method works for you, it means you will have to rerun new cables.
    What you need to use is GOOD quality TWISTED PAIR SHIELDED CABLE. like Belden 9451. Any GOOD cable like this will work.
    What you can to do is make up a new cable with RCA connectors at both ends, use the red wire for the center conductor, the black wire for the ground, First off, this cable is a twisted pair so it will reject outside emf fields from inducing noise onto it. Second and MOST important, connect the shield wire to ground at ONLY ONE END, at the input of the poweramp. DO NOT connect the foil shield or bare gound wire to the preamp output!!! If you connect both ends of the shield it reduces the effective shieding of the cable, If your problem is noise that is EMF induced, this will take care of it!
    If the noise is indeed on the DC line, Electrolytic Capacators are usually used due to high capacity at low cost and low size. Smaller non-electrolytic caps may be paralleled with these to compensate for electrolytics' poor performance at high frequencies I would start at a 100mfd. at a voltage rating of 35 Volts or better. If there are are voltage spikes on the Prius DC buss, you do not want a cap with less DC rating than the DC Spike. As stated, if not fully effective, add a non polarized cap, say .05 mfd across the electrolytic at the amplifier, + on the +12 power line and the ground side of the cap to ground. Not enough suppression, up the mfd. value to say 1000mfd. That should shunt any noise component right to ground!!

    Think about it!!
  16. KCobby

    KCobby Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    NYC area
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Ok, first of all - thanks for everyone's input and suggestions about how to address my problem. Just to revisit it a tad: I was having a high pitched noise, like a whine, that I guessed was coming from interference of some sort. Either EMI, RFI, or the like. And I am here to report that after checking the ground, changing the ground, undoing the RCA cable run, redoing the cable run, undoing it again...I finally have success!!! :rockon:

    What did it?? These: Knu Konceptz Krystal Kable

    The cable that I had before (Kicker Z-series) was just not shielded well enough for how I was using it I guess. It could've been the proximity to the hybrid battery, or the power line, or the ground at the terminal may've just been a tad insecure (the KnuKonceptz fit live a glove on the female RCA end.) Thanks for all the suggestions from everyone on where to look for the trouble.

    So fwiw, I HIGHLY recommend these cables. I'm sure there are others out there, but these were highly rated by others and weren't out of sight expensive. They shipped quick, they are heavy duty, made well, and most importantly the damn things work! :dance:

    Now that all is almost put back together, I've got to start working on a right up. But for now, the high pitch is gone and I can enjoy listening to tunes while confusing myself with the x993 menu! :p
    1 person likes this.
  17. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    That's excellent news man!

    In the process of removing my battery for charging I reset my X993 and now I have to reset everything which is a pain. :( I lost my center image too and was fairly frustrated all of yesterday but then I noticed my rear speakers are on so that may be screwing my image up.
  18. don_chuwish

    don_chuwish Well Seasoned Member

    May 1, 2009
    Southern Oregon
    2007 Prius
    Coolio, Knu gets a lot of praise for quality at a reasonable price and that 4 channel cable says it all. GREAT shielding, FOUR channels, good quality plugs and 6 meters at only $30 retail. Congrats! By comparison I have good Rockford-Fosgate RCA cable from the local shop that is 6 meters, TWO channel, not shielded at all and was $40. $80 for what you needed.
    I'd actually like to see those Knu cut open. The specs say copper foil wrapped, mylar foil shield AND tinned copper braid so I'm wondering how it all looks.

    - D
  19. McKeeius

    McKeeius New Member

    Apr 5, 2009
    Redwood City, CA
    2009 Prius
    Thanks for the update, I am actually about to go out and start opening things up to move the RCA's from driver side to passenger to see if that works. Since it sounds like we are in the same boat I will probably end up needing those shielded cables - do you need anything special for those, or can I just order one set and that will be all I would need?
  20. KCobby

    KCobby Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    NYC area
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Well, move the cable first and see. You might even try grounding some foil as Pat suggests above. Did you try to change the ground too?

    Also, Don found a link that seemed to question whether the cables are truly shielded. All I know is that they worked for me. I ordered straight from the website and they are like any other RCA cable - just plug 'em in and off you go!

    I debated about taking up the center console and running everything down the middle. Didn't seem like it'd be that hard honestly (I've said that before tho...:rolleyes:) but opted to run them along the passenger side due to time constraints.

    But like I said, these were highly rated and recommended - I ordered them and they're working, so...YMMV.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes!