Frankly I'm feelin' a little left out that my Prius doesn't have all these problems people are running around with their clothes on fire about. Keep me company, share with us the good things about your Prius. I'll go first. I get 55 mpg.
I think comparing a Gen II to a Gen III is a tad unfair in this case My Gen II (2004) had the braking issue to a lesser extent. What's dangerous on it (and my wife just got done talking w/ me on it) is it's overly aggressive traction control. I'll take the 2010 on that difference alone, even w/ the "predictable yet startling" braking issue.
MY 2005 Gen II Prius was already recalled once in 2005 for a steering linkage issue. Dealer fixed it and it still drives great. The vehicle now has about 127,000 miles on it, OMG did I forget to tell you that it still has the original brakes? Amazing, even my 2000 Camry has a need for a brake job once in awhile. I have felt the wheels slip a little while driving over railroad tracks, gravel, wet cement etc. My car runs better when its not crossing railroad tracks, and it really drives nice when I avoid potholes too. As for Steve Wozniak, he sure has gained weight, I'll bet his breaks are tired. I bought the all weather floor mats from the dealer when the car was new, and I installed the clips that came in the package. Did I forget to tell you I was able to install the clips correctly, even though the instructions were written in Japanese, OMG, I forgot to mention I can't even read Japanese. Finally, did I forget to tell you my HID's are the original ones that came with the car? Amazing. Now that I have told you that my car runs fine, it will most certainly run away, stop early, turn right when I pull left, burn both headlamps at once and not just one like all Prius do (i know, because the news said so) and leak nitrogen from the tires. Oy Vay Shmear, Ay Dios Mio, my prius runs fine.
I have had my 2010 Prius V/ATP for less than a month & it blows the "09 I traded out of the water. I have not experienced any issues with the vehicle and believe Toyota will do right by us!
I've experienced no problems what so ever with our BP V/Nav over approximately 7500 miles. While I don't deny there may be a braking characteristic that could be improved through a fix or update at the dealer, I have not experienced the problem and believe that in the meantime the chances of it causing an accident can be easily reduced by allowing a bit more space for stops. I trust that Toyota will address the issue and have absolutely no regrets buying this car and am actually contemplating buying a second.
I've had my Prius IV for 6 months and it is fine. I love the car and think this hysteria is ridiculous! I also believe that a lot of car owners don't understand the technology of the car. Other car companies have had much worse problems - remember the Ford Pinto car fires and the Ford Explorer rollovers? How long did it take to correct those problems? I had a Buick that had an electronic module go out and lost all power to the car going 70 mph at night. All I got from the dealer was bill for $1,400! There are no perfect cars and I think Toyota is going to fix the problems - they have to if they want to stay in business! I still love my car.
Not to limit input in this thread - but this is the 2010 Forum, and in order to be consistent/ease of review it would be nice if posts were relating to the 2010 only...
Some gentlemen dislike intelligent girls and intelligent cars. I like my intelligent wife and my intelligent Prius. Anyone want to sell one cheap? (I mean your Prius, not your wife)
I like mine, the brake thing doesn't get my undies in a bunch. Spooked me at first, but I've adapted, I guess. My cruise is fine, I like my radio, my kids like it, my wife likes to drive it (she never drove my Cadillac-too big)
Nothing major so far - I have experienced some of the issues to some degree, but nothing that really freaked me out. That said, if there's a fix/update for any of the issues, I'd gladly have it done to my car.
Greetings from cold Indy. I have had my Prius V for two months and about 1 K. Have worked up the mpg to 45+ while learning about this fabulous car. I have followed the accelerator and brake issues for the few months and am not personally worried. I think Toyota will figure out what to do about the ABS problem and fix it.
I finally threw in the towel on my still working 1999 Camry with 250k miles and purchased a 2006 Black Prius Touring with 67k miles. It is in fabulous condition and looking forward to driving it just as long as my Camry! Toyota is still A++ in my book!!
I bought mine knowing a minor S/W update would come out on the brakes eventually. It's no big deal to me and I am completely satisfied.
No problems at all with ours and we've driven Boston-Chicago and back. Had it since mid-December. I did have to buy a hard hat with the sky falling though...
Wow what next? MJ died, the swine flew is rampant, Toyota has a recall... The sky is truly falling. I must be an unpatriotic phsycho path? I love my Prius even though I have felt the brake issue early when I first got it. Either my Prius is smart and learned NOT to do it anymore or I am unconsciously avoiding the situation. I'm not worried and this is the coolest electronic gadget on 4 wheels I have EVER had the pleasure to own.
Over 6000 miles in 6 months, no problems except getting the dealer to stop sending me notices that it is time for my 15,000 mile service. They have no idea why this computer generated notice shows so much milage or how to correct it.