I seriously feel betrayed and defrauded. I am a 2010 Prius IV owner and I, too, have experienced the "brief surge" in the wheels when I have braked on the streets here in Los Angeles. I want to turn in this unsafe car immediately and receive a full refund. How do I go about doing that? AS
Seriously, the best recourse you'd have if you're serious about believing the short-term hype is to attempt to sell it and cut your losses. The question you must ask yourself though - if Toyota were to completely fix the issue, would I still want to sell the car? Try to have some longer term vision. Toyota will fix the issue, and despite their actions (or inactions), your future owner satisfaction comes largely from the car itself.
How long have you owned the car and how many miles have you driven it? How often have you experienced this problem since you owned it?
Drop it off at my house. I will give you more than the Kelley Blue Book value. Will you take cash or check?
Of the approx. 15 new vehicles I've I think only 1 never had a recall. Refund, I don't think it's going to happen. If you think this is bad why don't you Google "Ford Pinto fire" or maybe "Chevy truck ruptured fuel tanks".
This problem does not warrant a complete refund. I had a problem with a 2001 ford escort regarding the transmission and ford could not fix the problem after replacing the trans 3 times. I asked for another car that was identical in every way and they told me no. I ended up having to sue them and it took 3 years and all I got was $4000.00 to cover the depreciation. Getting any car company to take back a car is not going to happen. Besides you must have liked the car if you bought it. I love my 2010 Prius and I would not sell it for anything. I have had it for 8 weeks and I have a little over 9500 miles on it. I have only experienced the brake issue once.
What a schmuck!! I don't think I have any more to add as to what others have said. What is interesting is that Toyota made a software modification to the Prius brake system BUT they should have issued at minimum a TSB for the other 2010 cars that were already on the road. I may be speaking prematurely because I've only read a few articles about it. Now it seems that is what they're going to do. I look forward to the day when cars will be able to download updates OTA but that's probably not going to happen anytime soon.
Accident avoidance? Lane following? Post a sales notice along with a copy of the window sheet showing all the options and VIN number. Bob Wilson
I hear ya! I feel the same way... We've all been duped by Toyota. It's just not right... I don't care how much you love the idea of Prius, it's wrong at every angle. At this point NHTSA and Congress are our only hope for being able to drive a safe car. Toyota doesn't care...
I have ordered a Prius, waiting for delivery in April/ May, so hopefully that problem will be solved before. In my present Ford and Citroen, there have been plenty of smaller problems. Lately my Ford Galaxy suddenly couldnot stear, the powersteering broke. Luckily I was my garage. That was after 60000 km and 2 1/2 year of drive. I had made the extra 3 years of warranty (so covered). Others on Fordnet chatpages forgot this extra warranty and have to pay themselves. I had software problems (the computer didnot calculate consumption correct) or (engine stopped after few minutes of running. So to confirm others, then all cars have problem and have minor recalls. For the Citroen C4, then also the brakes ABS system was recalled, but that hardly was mentioned on page 35 in the local news (out of 34 pages). The news decide what is "hot" or "out" and now "Toyota problems" is "very hot". I still beleive some of the accidents could have been solved without death, if the driver had been less panicking. If you read the Toyota guidelines (at least on the European homepages) then you will be informed what to do incase of the "hot issues" in the newspapers, but the journalists forgets to write "constructive" to illiminate future accidents. Now they have a "ginipick" and they like to "kill the beast" by "frying to the end".
I think it is physically impossible for Toyota to buy back all the cars. They don't have enough money. And I don't think you will get political support because the people will think, what if it happens to GM or Audi or ___ (depending on where you live). Will these beloved local companies have to refund too? So it is not going to happen. I owned many Toyotas and Lexus. But my next car may be a Honda or something else. The prestige is gone.
I do not beleave that any car manufacturer can/ will buy back cars. Toyota gives in EU 5 years of warranty where other gives 2-3 years (minimum) I have only seen KIA giving 7 years of waranty for new cars.
Agreed. I so happy I didn't buy last November. Toyota flat out attempted to mislead Prius owners. It almost makes you wonder if Toyota had any intention to notify owners about the problem at all. I am still interested in the Prius, as it is a great car, but will be cautious about buying one anytime soon. If I do, I'll demand proof that it was made in late January at the earliest and that it does not have the braking issue/appropriate software. I'm also humored to see so many here that are blinded by their idealism and loyalty to a brand. Sure, the Prius is an awesome car, but to run to Toyota's defense after knowing that the company quite possibly did not intend to fix a known defect on a product they spent thousands on? So ignorant. Sad.
3 years/100 000 km full coverage, 5 years for the drivetrain in EU. KIA's 7 year/150000 is limited to CEE'd vehicles and it is not a full coverage.
Prius compared to Honda Insight, then Insight is not "full hybrid", and the engine is poluting more.. Honday is however cheaper buying (around 20000 Euro compared to 29000 Euro before reduction of environmental taxes (in Belgium 15%)).
The Insight is not able to run on electrical power alone without without the ICE turning. The electric motor assists the petrol engine. Unlike the Prius which will run without the ICE turning.