Plus, you can't fit a full size male sex robot into a purse or overnight bag. I wonder if the airline would make you buy an extra seat for a sex robot or if you could check him/her/it as luggage? :madgrin:
I wasn't really tempted to open this tread, but then someone called my attention to the egregious post below: GADZOOKS ON A CRUTCH MAN! You simply cannot go around saying things like that! Marriage is a contest of wills! It is a combative, adversarial union upon which most of western civilisation rests! Don't you watch television? I think it's even in the Bible... Once you begin to chip away at the fundamental nature of marriage you threaten our very way of life! I cannot believe anyone would be so irresponsible as to let this kind of sentiment be bandied about in public. Even if you don't accept the blindingly obvious fact that marriage is a war (albeit with fewer rules and no Geneva convention), the other side is sure to seize your witless statement and use it as ammunition against the rest of us! (I read something interesting on PC the other day dear... Why aren't you more like taggart? Don't you loooovvve me?) Handbaskets to Hell man! You have to be careful what you say about marriage. Loose lips and all that. I can only assume that you have been forced to supply the offensive post under duress, and that, even now, she who must be obeyed may have some part of your anatomy in a vice. If that is the case, be strong - don't give in - simply see what else is on TV and endure the pain like the rest of us!
:fear: Be afraid... You probably don't think much of what I wrote, either. I guess the jury's out on whether living with four females has given me insight into how the other half lives, or caused me to give up my 'man card'. :tsk:
Et tu B? Hang in there, an extraction team is on its way. Jaws of life? check Beer? check Universal remote? check SI swimsuit issue? check We'll have you out of there and deprogrammed in a jiff...
Now now... don't go trying to undo all the good work our sisters up north have accomplished with this one. His case is a model one we use to train the new recruits.
Oh, thank you, Samiam. They'll be fine without me, won't they? At least one of them will learn to cook eventually, right? :twitch:
I feared as much. Another sinister double-x plot. These may help you see the situation for what it is.
That would be for cybersex, which is the only sex some geeks have ever had. Oh, and Hyo is just fine, the way he is, at least in my opinion
I'll let you borrow my new robot. Just clean it up when you're done, Thank You Very Much For "uploads" and "downloads." What did YOU think it was for? I would demand it be checked in as luggage. As long as they were careful with it, otherwise somebody will write a catchy tune like this one, about the destruction of his prized Taylor guitar OH, that song is just so priceless. I thought women were bloodthirsty vampire cannibals anyway? Yes, I know some guys who have gone through very bitter divorces
One of my first jobs while in school was as the only male bank teller out of 42 tellers. Oh my, was that a learning experience. It was vicious the way the women treated each other and for no real reason other than because there was more than one female in the room at once.