I've noticed lately that I get irritated if I'm at a stop light and my car idles. I can always tell when it hasn't had enough time to warm up in the mornings and I have to stop. I've even caught myself tempted to turn it off! I never would of course, but it's funny how I've grown used to its' nice quiet stops rather than the constant idle my honda used to have.
If you turn the climate control to "Max cold" (with AC and Auto turned off too) it will stop idling....then, once you take off again you can turn the temp back up.
Sometimes dropping into B and back out is enough to transition as well. Heater demand (or high defroster load) is enough to keep the ICE running - and cold outside temps will exacerbate it. I imagine in OR that defroster might come into play.
You can also try to switch to EV mode (while being in ECO mode) when you are stopped. If your car is idling only to heat the passenger compartment, it will stop the engine. Thus, you don't have to play with the climate control.
That's nothing. We have 3 other vehicles and they all do that + I have to use an old fashioned key to start them. :madgrin:
You should've seen the Gen II. It'll feel like it's choking if it's near the temperature threshold. It's like the engine can't make up its mind whether to shut off or continue to idle.
I will try that this morning. When I brought it up I didn't even realize there might be a fix for it. Thought it was just a by product of my changing driving habits/expectations. I'll try this too. Yes, we do use it a bit here in Oregon although as of late the weather has been mild. Plus I park in my garage at night. No. I never drive in eco mode. either regular or if I'm feeling frisky, power mode. Third thing to try. Do I have to be in eco mode for this to work? Also, my car tends to not want to go into EV mode until it is warmed up so I'm not sure if this will work. I haven't seen my key since the day I bought it. Only seen the fob because I have to transition to a backpack for school. I am so happy with that feature as well. I haven't been on a "car keys" easter egg hunt since I bought my Prius. Life is good! I drove one for a bit so know what your talking about! I really am happy I got a Gen III.
I almost never see this situation. On the rare occasions that I drive, after pulling out of my driveway my next stop is usually 40 minutes away. For me, a bigger problem is finding a reason to stop and let the Prius do an idle check. Tom
OK. Well if you want it to idle less at a stop, use ECO. The trade off of course is less cabin heat and less throttle response. My engine usually shuts off at stops about 10 minutes into my drive but my cabin takes about 15 minutes to get up to temp which I keep @ 67.
Use ECO and keep the A/C at 18C/64F - A/C can be left on, if temperature about 0C/30F as it will not be turned on in any case. With ECO mode on, the ICE will idle as little as possible while still keeping a decent temperature inside the cabin (if you have your jacket on) - if you want to keep a higher cabin temperature, do it, ECO will still limit, to the possible extent possible, ICE working. Yes, you will probably have to accelerate a bit more to have the same reaction as when in normal or PWR mode. The cool thing about the Prius is certainly this - you can effectively and actively affect the fuel consumption by trimming certain features - on normal cars, well the engine is always on, so why not keeping the heater on as desired? ...
I've noticed this when the car is fully warmed up, been turned off for 5-7 minutes while I run into a store and then if I hit a light right away, the motor keeps idleing...until I turn it off. It really ticks me off, so yes, I turn it off and wait on the light. Stupid computers...
For a quick trip like that I turn off the CC, radio & headlights then manually lock the car. Unless you are close to 2 bars the ICE won't start. It'll lose some heat depending on the climate.