I recommend at least sidewall pressure. I left the dealership and stopped at the gas station across the street and took them to 51 front and 50 rear and drove to Virginia. I was surprised to find the pressure from the dealership at 39 rear and 41 front. No problems and it handled well. On our return trip, I drove through rain for about 150 miles including one torrential downpour that had the interstate traffic slowed to 35 mph. QUOTE=barbaram;873171]What pressure is everyone recommending??? Haven't checked it yet..... Thanks![/QUOTE]
so you are happy so far ? I haven't had any poor driving conditions yet and I have been spoiled by the hydroedges.....
MAX Sidewall on the Yokos is 44psi. I'm running 40/38. I reset Trip A and Trip B at last fillup. I reset Trip B again after bumping tire pressures 75-100 miles into the tank. Trip B reads about 1-1.5mpg higher than Trip A. At the initial inflation, I saw 60+mpg, but then my commute set in.
2010 Prius III with Navi: I inflated my Yoko's to max sidewall pressure on all 4 tires, 44 PSI, when we purchased the car on 05/17/09. No problem with handling, MPG is averaging over 51 MPG for 3,000 miles, based on gas pumped and miles driven. Alfon
I'm a bit confused. It finally stopped raining here today so I had a chance to check the tires. MY tires say "40 PSI max" the door label says 35/35!!!!! they were not properly inflated in any way! it's been cool here so i went 38/36. where are you finding 44 pSI?? thanks!
Hmmm... My door label says 35 front/33 rear and the Max Load on the tire says 44 psi for the Yokohama Avid S33. Have you double-checked your numbers?
High pressures are better for mileage and resistance to hydroplaning the same as with the gen II. I ran 42 psi in all 4 with my '05 and never had a problem. When my Prius V arrives I think it will have 50 or 51 PSI max tires, I am going to try running them at 48. My friend has been running his TCH at 50 for 3 years now and has had no problems or unusual tire wear.
I know some of you have 35/33 for the recommended tire pressure, but my car (arrived at the dealer on 12/01/09) says 35/35. Does anyone know if there was a change? I have the Yokohoma Avid S33's. Ignore this, my doorjam says 35/33 actually.
I keep my Yoko's at 40 psi all around. I noticed a 3-4 increase in mpg when I changed them from factory setting. I didn't notice too much of a difference in ride quality. It definitely glides better with higher inflation. I am toying with the idea of going above max sidewall (44 psi) and seeing how that performs. I don't want the ride to harsh since it could cause rattling and vibrations. I also wonder what the long term effects are on the suspension or other mechanical parts if the tire pressure is too high. Are there any longtime Prius owners that run their tires above 50 psi? And for how many years? Have you had any suspension or other related problems. What is the risk? I am more concerned with mechanical issues than safety issues since a tire pressures at 45-50 are well within the safety net limits. Thanks for any feedback.
I initially started at 40F-38R and kept raising it and finally settled at 42F and 40R. I didn't like the ride at 44F-42R.
I'm surprised most of you are okay with those high pressures on the Avid S33D's. I find anything over 38F/35R too rough of a ride. Esp. after driving the car 300 miles from the dealer on the my trip, with 35/33 as my cold tire pressure back then which was very comfortable. mc
Eddy, I share your concern. I run 44/42. The Fit I run at 51 all around when I'm driving, but around 40 for my son who might be paying more attention to ipod than to potholes. Anyway, I figure that the higher pressures are offset by slower, more careful driving unless I'm in a cobblestone area. For that I would lower psi not so much for the suspension, as for rattles.
I don't drive fast either. The highest I will go is 50 mph on country roads and I avoid the highway. It takes me a little longer to get to work but I am rewarded with much higher mpg. I plan to try higher pressures soon and see if there is any improvement. I can't wait for warmer weather. The colder weather and rain is killing my fuel efficiency. I have owned my prius primarily in the winter months so I am looking forward to seeing how the warmer weather effects mpg.