Listening to Toyota's CEO and his public apologizes, which I think were necessary and wise, I'm wondering if Toyota doesn't need to change it's approach to everything from a PR standpoint. I hesitate to mention cultural stereotypes but I feel Toyota might be suffering from being an Asian based and operated company. The same thing that made Toyota great could be hurting them now. The japanese cultural idea that one should be "shamed" by mistakes, flaws errors or failure I think is resulting in a bad PR spin. I think it's fine to admit to mistakes, ask for understanding, and move on...but at some point I'd like to see Toyota actually reflect a little Bravado on this whole issue. Toyota has been the biggest and the best, and they need to get back to acting like the biggest and the best again. Timing is everything, but at some point Toyota needs to move on from being "shamed" by this incident to flexing a little muscle as a company that has fixed the problem and IS the biggest and best automaker in the world. Which I think means moving away from the Japanese ideal that one deals with mistakes in a extreme and personal manner to reflecting a little Bravado. Maybe not too quickly, as that would be perceived as uncaring arrogance...but eventually Toyota must start reflecting more confidence. Humility, Shame, Responsibilty...all valid...but learn something from America. Sometimes you put on the Big Hat and Pretend you have all the cattle in the world...even when you don't.
This is a good post other than the mistake of saying Toyota is the biggest automaker in the world... Volkswagen Steals Toyota's Crown as World's Largest Automaker - U.S. News Rankings and Reviews That was before the bad news...
09? Do you realize that Toyota is likely to end up 3rd, 4th, or even worse for 2010 because of the pedal extravaganza?