Don't rule out meeting a nice guy through a site like Priuschat. Or, even here, at Priuschat! I met my dear hubby (the guy in the tie-dye that you were snuggled up to, Octavia) online, at a discussion site. It wasn't a dating site, we just chatted about common interests. A couple of years later, I married him I heartily support discussion sites over dating sites, as you can look back over a person's posting history, if you like, and see if they seem interesting/honest/relatively sane/single vs. married/gainfully employed or otherwise self-sufficient. Watching how they respond to criticism, and differing opinions, is also helpful! I've met a few of these jokers... um, guys... in person, so if you want the inside scoop on anyone, just ask
Well, as far as "nice guys" they usually finish dead last when it comes to relationships. Most women may not realize it, but the following are mutually exclusive: 1. Smart, nice, responsible, kind, scientist/engineer, etc 2. Thrill seeking, life of the party, adventurous, dirtbag/biker, etc Those in cohort #1 tend to be pretty boring, but are usually very stable and the kind of person that will stick around for decades. Those in cohort #2 tend to be really exciting, especially if their grow-op gets raided. As an added bonus, they usually have a chemical dependency and while using that chemical, may smack around their woman I've had to console a guy at work who is your typically nerdy brilliant engineer. His future is almost without limit. Wouldn't even hurt a fly Consequently, women treat him like s*** Amazing true story, he tried dating a single mother who, as it turned out, thought it would be "fun" to drop acid. He very wisely walked from that situation, now that woman calls him "boring" [Sarcasm Mode = ON] Yeah, maybe he should smoke crack or drop acid once in awhile. Might loosen up a bit [Sarcasm Mode = OFF] But seriously, women don't want "nice" guys. They want some dude that will treat them like s***. I started getting way more action when I stopped trying, I just act aloof and let what happens, happen
Aww my lovely Octavia.... Single men are ALWAYS on the lookout for a date no matter where they are in the real or virtual world. prius Chat is no exception to this rule. Just look at how many people welcome a girl vs. a guy in the Newbie forum, especially if she posts a hot picture for an avatar like you do.. Heck, if it wasn't for my current Slovak sweety I'd consider "stalking" you..... :behindsofa:
If one's PriusChat-name subtitle is borrowed from the name of another P-Chatter, then maybe that would be considered a stalk
Whew! Changed it. I hadn't realized I had done that! Wouldn't want to be thought of as a stalker. . . . .
So true. Us nice guys do finish last. I am considered boring because I don't do drugs, don't skydive or run with the bulls. I'm just a kind, compassionate guy looking for a woman to share a normal life with.
ound: I think I might be starting to understand how come I have trouble dating irl.... You mean men don't like this kind of intense attention from a virtual stranger?
#1. Overrated, has negative long term effects. #2. Your ears hurt due to the pressure change and free fall is only a little more than a minute. Can be an expensive hobby. #3. On my list, will report back when complete. Hope this helps you feel better. EDIT: if you don't mind the ears thing, skydiving can be quite fun and may be worth doing once.
Good luck with that. When I was younger, I tried that approach and got s*** on. I then developed a tough skin and almost rudely ignored women. For some reason, they like that
#1 Agreed! It's also expensive and that is less money you can spend on sex toys with your honey. #2 It's a bitch when the chute doesn't open. Had that happen to two friends. #3 Didn't run with them but I rode them and I don't care how soft the dirt looks on tv, IT AIN'T!
Personally, I don't understand why "nice guys" seem to be ignored. I married a nice guy. He's kind. He's considerate. He treats me like a queen. Consequently, I do my best to fulfill every fantasy he can come up with. We both end up happy. I don't see how this doesn't work for other people :huh: Needy is different than nice. Needy guys are a bit off-putting, kinda like needy women are. Can you live on your own? Can you be happy doing something by yourself? Can you entertain yourself for an afternoon, an evening, or a weekend without whining about it? If so, maybe you aren't too needy. If you won't crawl out of your cave unless someone drags you out, that's kinda off-putting, as well. Get out there, be a little social, maybe get involved in some sort of activity/movement/event, where you meet people, and where you gain some self-esteem. If you are too obviously there just to try to "meet someone", it ain't gonna work, either. Really care about the cause you are supporting, the event you are attending, etc. I would suspect this is part of Jayman's secret of success - it isn't that he is "so rude", it's that he is so focused on what he's doing, rather than chasing women, that it makes him more interesting (yes, I know you'll disagree, jayman - I'm using you as an example, okay? thanks). Anyway, I'm sure that's enough rambling from me...
Well, I'm not dumb enough to incur Rae's wrath and have her turn me into a toadstole, so I'll just agree 100% with her But this guy at the office is NOT "needy." He truly is nice, and I have witnessed first hand his disappointment, heartache, etc, at being s*** on