This is not a common occurrence, but today I have the Potato Cannon in the hatch for a little lunchtime fun here at the office. FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!
thanks Jimbo. If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed all that stuff actually fit in there.....have a great day!!
Notice that I still have room for a (small) back seat passinger, a front seat passenger, and that none of the 'stuff' blocks my view through the upper glass. (the lower glass is blocked)
That's awesome! Yea I wanted to go to a this isolated park by my house and I'd love to go with a friend. Good to know the bikes can fit. Thanks!!
I was trying a new sewing technique and I loved the pillow - thought it looked great in my car. And it gives a nice tea party feel in my car. I also have a lavendar filled purple pillow and sachets of lavendar hanging around the back seats. I just like getting into my car and feeling like it's a nice little sanctuary. Quiet and peaceful with a nice scent. :high5: