hey all, I have had my 07 prius since 08 and one thing is bothering me. The compartment above the glove box will not stay open on its own. I lost count of the times i have stubed my thumb on it trying to get the GPS out while driving! it seems to be related to a "bump" a little right of center in the plastic above it (dashboard area). If anyone has had this issue please let me know how to repair it and if you think this would be something the warantee will cover at 33K miles. I will try to attach pictures if noone has any idea what im talking about! Thanks, Jonathan
I understand that the basic 36 months/36,000 miles warranty covers it. But I hope your car hasn't reached 36 months yet.
i'm sure your 07 is less than 3 months old right? hehe ound: it sounds like it's warped... try pushing down on the center before you release the hatch... that way it goes under instead of catching on (you're talking about the upper dash, right?)
Oh. I have the factory Nav, and for the life of me I couldn't see how the glove box related to the GPS. Now I see. Tom
Mine does the same thing. Started about a year after it was new. It is either spring loaded and lost its tension from setting in the sun or is pneumatic like the hatch struts... also losing it from heat. Good luck.
Well, I found out what it was!! After taking apart the area above the glove box i discovered that the spring on the pasenger side had come out of its setting and was putting its tension on the dash causing a "bump" in the dash and decreasing the springs streth to the point where it no longer held open the box anymore. I called my local dealer here is Vegas and they said it should be under warantee and to bring it in. This will be my first experience with this dealership as I just moved here so wish me luck. And FGOODYEAR f you look in the back of that compartment there are 2, 1/2 inch circles. pop those out, unscrew the phillips screws and pull/pry on it and it will come out. This way you can see what exactly is broken and fix it if you wish.
WELL took it to toyota and tehy are going to replac!e the broken part under warantee... even though they said they believe i broke it! what saints!! oh well its getting fixxed so I will shutup and smile. Thanks for all your help and may the RECALLS be with you!