Our 2006 seems to be increasingly angry at our turning the motor off and going in the house! Immediately after the ignition is turned off, it starts squealing. It did this a bit earlier, but now it seems to squeal for 12-15 seconds. Is the increasing length of the squeal a sign of trouble? thanks for advice.
Open the hood up. Have someone shut off the car while the motor is running and see where the squeel is coming from. Most likely the coolant transfer pump behind the drivers side headlight. Known issue.
Yes, as the above posters have guessed, it's probably the coolant transfer pump. Pearl has been doing it for 18 months. Toyota Canada won't do anything. I -think- Toyota US replaces the pump on warranty.
The noise is due to the coolant heat recovery pump. If your car is no longer under warranty, don't worry about it. BTW, the coolant heat recovery pump is located near the CHRS canister. Both are located in the fender well, in front of the LF tire. You need to remove the fender liner in order to access the pump and canister. The pump behind the driver's side headlight assembly is the inverter coolant pump.
Many thanks for the information. Going to dealer this week to see what they will/can do. As of now, I'm still under the 60 month, 60,000 mile leve. Again, thank you.
In that case, you are in luck because the coolant heat recovery pump is covered under the 5 year/60K mile powertrain warranty. See T-SB-0087-08 which is posted here.