I think it is sad that China has given only one million dollars, where the USA has given over 100 million dollars. I also heard that China blocked the only runway in Haiti for over 2 hours in order to get a photo op. Planes were circling overhead with supplies for hours. International Aid to Haiti: Who's Giving - CBS News
I think it is sad to make a list of who has given and what. And also to spread info without knowing wether it's real (the china stuff).
I heard this info from radio news. If I passed on news that was not real, then I apologize. Forgive my Fox-type reporting. Oh, and I don't see anything wrong with knowing which country is spending money and how much they are giving.
Which "these" people, the Chinese, or, the Haitians...? I think you need to stop listening to Pat Robertson. He's getting a litte senile!!! He also keeps putting his foot in mouth!!!
Haha I know Pat Robertson is lies. But I always cringe when the news reports talk about how devoutly Christian the Hatian population is, and at the same time, seem to hail the fact that over half of them practice voodoo, in which they use spirits as a medium to God. Christianity is all about a relationship with God/Jesus and the Bible specifically condemns idolatry, as practiced in voodoo. So in a way, all this praise from the media about their religion is garbage. And while Pat Robertson is wrong about the things he said, it was to counterpoint what is equally wrong about some religious beliefs in Haiti.
And yet their (Christian) buildings and temples are full of them!! Statues of Jesus, Crosses, water baths and bowls filled from a tap and smelling of chlorine passed off as holey water. cordial passed off as wine which represents the blood of Christ, biscuits passed off as bread which represents the flesh of Christ. Come on, be real
I don't care if they ate vegetarians for lunch and Rush Limbaugh was their god. I see people in need. This is not the time to be holier than thou.
I see people making a pact with the devil everyday (ie..Dittoheads and Fox viewers) I would still help them out if they were in need.
Idolotry of other voodoo gods not the Lord! And it should definitely be noted that they practice Catholicsm, NOT Christianity - my mistake earlier. The difference is Catholicsm is a man-made religion with laws whereas Christianity is not a religion rather a direct relationship with God. I'm not denying the Hatians need for help at all of course not, but I'm criticizing the media for supporting their misguided religions, exploiting them as stories of hope when it really only means death. Read the Word.
I hate to tell you this, but ALL religion is man made. Did you know that Jesus was Jewish? Even so, he loves you just like he loves the Haitians. Haitians are humans just like you and me and right now they need help.
Yes! Isn't that what I said? But Christianity is technically NOT a religion, lol. You may read my posts but you do not understand what I'm saying. Do I need to speak to you in parables, as Jesus once did?
Well Wikipedia, for one, would disagree with you: "Christianity (from the Greek word Xριστός, Khristos, "Christ", literally "anointed one") is a monotheistic religion[1] based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament.[2]" [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity]Christianity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
I am sure that I'm not alone failing to understand what you're saying. Parables in itself are man made fantasies. While I believe Jesus Christ may have existed and was an enlightened man, the Jesus I know is my gardener from south of the border, Jesus Martinez. And yes he is a Christian and he is a good gardener.
If it sounds like propaganda, and it looks like propaganda....you should know better. News organizations have been shown to outright lie in the past. Americans just keep eating it up, accepting it all non-critically.
One country that did impress me (according to NPR): Poverty stricken Liberia managed to rustle up $50,000. You go! I wonder how much those Nigerian e-prince's have sent ....
The need will always be there, Haiti really has very little hope, its a poverished country, held down by gangs, corrupt politicians and a population that knows no better. You could have a conveyer belt of money flowing in there, and it would be the same year after year.