I heard RFK Jr. speak at a conference last fall. Great guy, environmental lawyer (now that he's past his heroin arrest in the '80's...) Seems to be some disconnection -- hard to imagine him with Martin Short ... Can you re-post that link?
I think it is fixed now. I don't know what happened? Yea, RFK, Jr. is a great guy. I heard that his voice is very raspy due to an illness he has. Is this true?
It's called either dystonia or spasmodic dysphonia, and it's beleived to be the same problem that Katherine Hepburn had. No physical cause has been identified -- maybe some misfiring nerves somewhere. When I heard him speak, he went on for an hour & 1/4 -- a long time for a "keynote speaker." He doesn't let his voice thing bother him -- but it made me curious & I looked into it on internet ... for whatever that's worth ! Great clip!