I just bought a Prius yesterday, I've been thinking about getting one for a while now. Just made the jump. One thing so far. The navigation system puts my house about a block away from where it actually is. Is there any way to take the current location and assign an address? And I guess the black background for the Garmin (in my truck) is more convenient at night. Is there anyway to change the background of the map to limit the reflection at night? Thanks, Max
Congrats on your purchase and welcome to Prius Chat! I can't answer your 2010 questions though, sorry.
The thumb wheel on lower dash by your left knee will control the nav screen and dash lights. All the way up past the detent will leave them fullbright. Dialed done lower then the detent it willdim them and when ypu turn on headlights it will change the navscreen to black. Congrats on the new Prius. :cheer2:
Congrats on the new car! You can change the background to "night mode" by turning your dimmer wheel down from the top position just a bit. Your instruments will dim a bit too, but you'll adjust. Then the background will be black on the map instead of white. You could do the same during the day, but you'd have to keep your headlights on as daytime running lights. I think you can adjust the location of POI's on the map...but I'm not sure. I know you can do that with destinations- look for the "Adjust Location" button on the right of the screen. Take a look at page 70 in the Navigation manual and you'll see what I mean. Then you can use the arrows around your target icon to move it around the screen. You might need to zoom in to get more accuracy.
Thanks for all that responded, I got the display to not be so bright and go into night mode. Thanks again for the device. I was able to "Mark" my position at home, but the address is incorrect and while there is an "Edit" button next to the created address I cannot change the address displayed so that it is correct. I assume that the problem is that the address is in a very small town without the rigors of big city naming and numbering conventions. If you know how to change the address string I would appreciate knowing. Thanks again, max
I have the same kind of problem. It puts my house in the wrong place, although it's not off as far as yours. I solved the problem the same way you did by marking my house and ignoring the address. I live in a small town also and the maps this system uses are not very good for my location either. No solution that I have heard about. I don't really care if my house shows up in the wrong place, I remember where I live , but other places in the area are off too.
There is no standard for house numbering. As a result, Nav systems and map programs use anchor points with known numbers and then interpolate between them. Generally the known points are street intersections, but it's not a given. Depending on how evenly numbers are applied in your area, and the accuracy and frequency of anchors, house number location may miss by a large margin. As for your home, mark it and save it as "Home". Tom