Top Gear fluctuates between totally hating the Prius and giving it awards, but nonetheless many of us are still fans of the British car show. Season 13 broadcasts its premiere on BBC America on Monday, January 25th at 8/7c. Can't wait for the 25th? Top Gear fans can catch up with Season 11 and Season 12 on DVD as of January 12th. These two seasons boast 14 full episodes with Season 12 including over 2 hours of bonus features - like never before seen footage and all-new commentary. Top Gear was nice enough to provide me with a copy of season 11 and 12 to giveaway, so watch for the giveaway to happen soon in the PriusChat Forums.
If you can, see season 14 episode 2 where the top gear team build their version of a volt. Brief appearance by gen3 Prius too.
I've only seen them completely hate on the Prius. Can someone direct me to an episode(s) where they actually have something positive to say? YouTube clips would be good as well
Perhaps we should award the DVD set to one of our members who owns some semi-automatic weapons...then we could do a video of some of our members shooting up the complete set of TG DVDs...then send a copy of the video to TG with our Prii prominently sitting in the background!
Well the Top Gear magazine voted the new Prius car of the year last year! Double standards? The magazine is a little more level headed than the TV show.
Funny I thought the exact same thing. I actually am a big fan of the show. However Clarksons' detestation of The Prius is pretty unfair, even if it's understandable from the POV of the show they present. I would think you can't really execute a show prominently featuring super cars and featuring sillhoutes of feet agressively pushing down on accelerators...with the obligatory auto jumps, burning tires and explosions and then champion The Prius. Still I'd like to get some stereotypical Prius owners to target shoot a line of Top Gear DVD's from the hood of a Prius. I think that would be the perfect response.
I can put a 50 cal. hole in pretty much where ever needed with live action photo! Thomas Hardy upon hearing an Anglican Bishop had organized burning of his books said,"No doubt frustration at not being able to burn me." Bob Wilson
Don't be stingy bill ... the whole family has been practicing: Oh wait ... evan suggested only semi autos . . . errr, never mind .
Top Gear (tv show) is a joke, I hope everybody understands. I'm guessing 95% of the viewers will never be able to own the cars they review, and most of the people who do own those cars wouldn't care for the program. TG overemphasizes performance and not much else. Borrrring.