Hybrid-Electric Vehicles Exempted from Smog Check - California Department Of Consumer Affairs Hybrid-Electric Vehicles Exempted From Initial Smog Check Looking over the sites, seems like Prius owners didn't have to hassel with a smog check in California but may have to begining in 2010. From the second link, "BAR plans to create new testing procedures that are specifically applicable to HEVs and will be used beginning in 2010." Just wondering if anyone had any information about the new testing procedures (if there are any knowing how the CA economy is not great right now). I guess as a 2010 owner, we don't have to worry; right now anyway.
Never owned a hybrid before, but does Calif DMV still charge the junk "smog abatement fee" on exempt hybrids like they do to new cars? If not, they may start testing anyway as an excuse to impose smog fees on us.
It's no dumber than the lucky ones who bought RAV4-EV's over a half dozen years ago in CA ... who regularly got dealer mailers stating, "it's time for your oil change".
Note that the first link in the OP was originally released in 2004. They have not updated anything for several years, but they supposedly will begin smog testing in Jan 2010. Currently there is no smog fee for the Prius. My concern is not the smog fee, but the possibility of an error from a smog tech damaging my vehicle, especially if they require dyno testing for the Prius. This may seem harsh, but I had a smog tech lock the keys in my running vehicle once, and they had to call me to help them open the door. Luckily I had an extra key hidden under the truck.
Don't worry, the state worker who is supposed to set the fees is on furlough 3 days a month and has a growing backlog of other paperwork waiting that they must complete first. :madgrin:
Of course this will start happening, they have to get money from anywhere they can. You didn't actually think this had to do with pollution did you?
From CA DMV: Question: I have a vehicle that is six model years old or newer. My DMV registration renewal notice says it must have a Smog Check, but I thought it was exempt from the biennial Smog Check requirement. Answer: A vehicle is excused from Smog Check until it is seven model years old. DMV computers are designed to recognize the exemption and process your renewal accordingly. Go back the DMV to resolve this problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem with DMV, the State Referee can help. Call the Referee Scheduling Center at 800-622-7733 and make an appointment at the nearest Referee facility. Note: A Smog Check certificate of compliance is required upon transfer of ownership for vehicles that are older than four model years. Question: Why can't BAR lower the price of a Smog Check? Answer: The Bureau of Automotive Repair does not set the price of smog inspections. Smog Check stations are privately owned and operated businesses, and as such, determine the fees for their time and expertise based on free-market forces. As with many other things, it pays to shop around for your Smog Check. You can search our list of Active Smog Check stations by city, ZIP code and station type to find a station near you. Q: Where does the money from the Smog Check go? A: There are more than 7,500 privately owned and operated Smog Check stations in California. The inspection and repair fees they charge are neither set nor collected by BAR. Rather, prices are set by market forces. The only money BAR receives is a portion of the $8.25 Smog Check Certificate fee. The $8.25 is an administrative fee for the Smog Check program and is deposited into the Department of Consumer Affairs' Vehicle Inspection and Repair Fund. The fee funds research and development operations, engineering, administration, complaint mediation, enforcement, and public education necessary to run the Smog Check program. These FAQ's seem to answer some of the postings...
I just received my registration renewal notice; it states SMOG CERTIFICATION REQUIRED!!! I called dmv, (only a 15 minute wait), and they discovered that my vehicle had been registered by Carson Toyota as a gas vehicle, ergo the smog cert requirement; to cure, i had to make an appt. to go in to the DMV office here in San Diego on the 30th and have a vehicle confirmation done by the inspector, and then they will issue a new title. So for all of you here in the land of the warm and the sunny, no smog is required, still/and as yet. As for me, small price to pay (going to the DMV) in return for such a great vehicle.
Calif DMV needs to get their head out. I brought a vehicle into the country (vehicle manufactured to Calif requirements - no question about that). "Smog certificate required" to license in Calif. Ok, wnet to local smog station, waited in line, car went through test and failed. "Too new to smog (was 2009 model year)". OK, great, back to DMV line, explain my story. After a number of people talked to me finally a supervisor sent me to smog referee. Another appt and waiting in line. Smog referee "pull it right in, we'll smog it here". Back to DMV to finalize license. Geez, get your head out!
I just got my renewal and I got the same notice (also 2004 model year), so I'll have to deal with this as well. I wonder if I can drop by the local AAA office to handle this?
Well, I hope so for your sake, it's a screw-up by DMV. On the phone, Sacramento told me I was registered as a gas vehicle and that I HAD to go to the DMV and get the car certified hybrid. So I did that, made an appt., thank God. When there, the clerk looked me up and said the renewal notice and the DMV clerk on the phone from Sacramento were both WRONG. That DMV has me as a hybrid and she issued me the renewal on the spot. In other words, your renewal notice is wrong. Good luck.
I contacted the dealer where I bought my Prius. They said the DMV confirmed to them that no smog check is required for my 2004 Prius. There was apparently some glitch in the request for smog checks for 2004 hybrids. The DMV said to proceed with the renewal without the smog certificate.
I'm still reading the report, but the short answer is no, they cannot test the Prius. For one thing, the current smog test equipment, BAR-97 EIS (Emission Inspection System) cannot communicate with the CAN bus of the Prius. They are planning to upgrade all smog equipment to BAR-2012, estimated to be implemented in 2013. BAR 2012 Home Page
Us Californians can look forward to paying for smog checks and the junk "smog abatement fees" in between starting in 2013.
Assuming that they meet the schedule in the report. It could get pushed out due to technical issues and/or budget problems (it is estimated that it will cost $300 Million). They won't even select the vendor for the system until this summer.
I'm ok if they take their sweet time. I don't really see a need to smog a car that gets 50 MPG and low emissions. What will they check?
Actually, reading through the report, they don't specifically mention testing hybrids but they must upgrade the system to be able to test 2005 and later vehicles with CAN bus protocol. They cannot currently test diesel powered vehicles under 14,000 GVR which they will need to do. They note that they are not testing to find illegal mods for diesel vehicles because they don't have the capability, but the new system will be able to test them. They also mention that the new system will have a more modular software configuration so that they can update easier for future smog regulations.