Thank you for the incredible comparison betwen IMA and HSD. I guess I'm now forced to never refer to IMA as "simpler". Nice presentation. Thanks again.
No. The entire IPU enclosure - where the battery pack is contained - is actively cooled by a throttled fan (blower type) that is also software controlled in the latest gens. Cheers; MSantos
Before I bought my Prius III, I did look at the Insight. Reason being I did not get it was that being 6'2", there was no head room in the back. My head was actually touching the ceiling!!!
This is the exact same reason I bought the Prius instead of Insight. The two inches at the rear seats makes a big difference to the passengers at the back, especially when going on a long ride.
I did, and took one for a test ride for about an hour. Great car. Came down to price really, a new Insight or a used Prius. I opted for a used Prius.