I sold my unlocked iPhone for 550.oo and I think i am going to get the nexus on to play with till the new iphone is released?? I love phones then toss it on ebay when i am done.
I thought about it. I have an iPhone 3G. I skipped the 3Gs and have been hoping my 3G will hold out until the new iPhone comes out. I think the Nexus One looks pretty dang good, but I'd really need to play around with it for a while. I have a Mac so the iPhone just fits it so dang well.
Nah, I just got my 3Gs and despite its little quirks I love it. Plus I'm just not an early adopter. I like to wait on the sidelines while the major kinks are discovered and ironed out by others. I am eager to see how the Android OS in general and the Nexus in particular develop though.
I'd be put off by (i) the small amount of memory available for add-on apps, and (ii) the not as nice web browsing and required menu dancing, as discussed here: No, Your First Impression Isn’t Wrong: Android ISN’T As Nice As The iPhone Seems like android is still a work in progress, to me. Each new phone is a little better than the last, but there's always something not quite right. It's certainly close though, for those that simply must avoid all things Apple. At least you get full choice as to what gets multitasked. The competition is a good thing.
I've got a HTC Hero which I use for testing Android GPS Apps. I use a 3GS as my daily phone. Android has some nice features but the OS is not, in my opinion, anywhere near as fluid and friendly as the iPhones. The Android Market is also left wanting. Nice as the Nexus is in hardware spec, it couldn't persuade me to swap to it as my primary handset. I'll hold out instead for OLED on the next version iPhone, a better camera (with flash possibly) and improvements to Push Notification implementation. Just my four penneth worth, your mileage may vary
While i love the openness of Android... It just isn't there yet in terms of polish. Apple set the bar really, really high, and no one else has reached it yet.
I like the idea of openess too, but then there's this to worry about: Phishing comes to Android apps | TechBlog | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
really not worried I just get bored with my iphone every now and then, it comes tomorrow so I will post a mini review as I am a die hard mac fan. I will tell you what i think as I had a htc diamond and hated windows on it, so lets see how this feels I live by my iPhone so this will be different, the minute the new iPhone comes out i will switch back and sell this and lose nothing
I'm a Mac user too. No MobileMe on Android, no desktop sync. You have to rely on Googles services for OTA sync so no syncing of iCal/Contacts etc.
I am not renewing my mobile me not happy with it at all when it was free, then changed to paid.. everything went down the drain.
My phone does absolutely NOTHING except make telephone calls. I don't think you can buy such a thing any more. I know it'll die one day, and I'll probably have to buy a phone that has a toaster and a bathtub in it.