Just kidding. I drive the salsa red 05 with the moon caps, member toyotechwv drives the white prius. One of our service advisors (Perry), his son Justin drives the red Subaru WRX. Enjoy. Also, here is a few pic of my car from before we all met up, I like it.
Both cars have VSC. Snow drifting can be done in Prius with VSC it is jsut very limited and somewhat challenging. During the video recording both cars were operated in inspection which disables traction control and vsc.
Nice video! At least when in inspection mode and P, engine RPM is limited to ~2,500. When in D, is that limitation still in effect?
Ah, Cheaters! had my new old '04 out on sat in really big snow, went over to the nice freshly scraped down to icerink quality school parking lot. TRIED to toss it sideways a number of times, the VSC irritatingly just made the car behave like a normal car. Very frustrating. FWIW, I worked this car in the snow a lot this weekend. All the complaints I have heard viz prius's in the snow, seem completely unfounded to me.
True drifting would need rear-wheel drive, wouldn't it? Like the WRX obviously has. . I was doing similar stuff in the prius a week or so ago -- had a large parking lot *all* to myself, as a car dealership had recently closed and had been storing its extra stock there. I *totally* tracked up its 4 - 5 inches of almost virgin snow over the course of about 20 minutes. Always good practice for feeling how skids work, without risking excess tire wear on pavement. And yes, the way to break a Prius rear loose *is* use the E-brake. If you push it down just far enough so it starts ratcheting but then let it up just to the point where the ratchet lets go but it doesn't reset for the down stroke, then you have complete up/down control over the E-brake [thus, rear end] until you let it all the way up again. . _H*
That looks like a ton of fun and is excellent practice. Unfortunately I won't be seeing that kind of snow unless I drive up into the mountains a bit. - D
Patrick, RPM is not limited in inspection mode while in D or B. It is, however, like you said limited to ~2500 in P.
Where at in WV do you live? In trying to get the Prius to break loose, the parking brake is your friend.
Davis, up in Tucker County. I was mostly just trying to see what it would do. There are better cars for parking lot fun