My experience overall with my GPS has been love/hate. I love it when it guides me right to my destination with little or no trouble. I hate it when it doesn't know where the hell we are going any better than I do. Yesterday it threw me a curve ball. I drive up to pdx every three weeks for classes. My gps and I have made this trip five times already. I have our destination in my history and just go in and find it and select it each time. It reminds me to turn when it's time.... works out great for creating a stress free commute. Until yesterday. Yesterday on my way up here, I put in the same saved destination but it gave me DIFFERENT turn directions. I got all confused when I found myself in unfamiliar territory at a stop light when I should have still been on the freeway. I reset the destination and it sent me over the bridge and back to finally get to my hotel. Anyone else experience anything like this? My confidence is really shaken and I have to admit thinking about why I bought the gps and how well it's delivering... I was getting really annoyed.
Does your GPS have a traffic mode? I find sometimes the traffic mode goes haywire - maybe thinking there is a major accident blocking both ways when there is no accident or the accident is already cleaned up. The GPS tries to avoid the freeway at all cost, takes you on all the side streets, 30 mile detours (on long interstate trips). I am old school. Being a driver is in some ways like being the captain of the space shuttle. You are ultimately responsible for the safety of all the passenger and the shuttle (car). If you crash or dent the car parking, you can't blame the passengers for distracting you or not looking for you. You have navigation aids, and visual aids (mirrors) but you are ultimately responsible. So no blindly following the instrument and no suddenly finding myself in an unfamiliar neighborhood. I admit I am very old fashioned even though I am not very old (just old).
If you met me you would know. I don't do well in big cities, I get nervous... all the other drivers go fast and are reckless, having the gps "pay attention" to when and where to turn, frees me up to focus on not crashing.
Octavia, It could be "traffic Mode" although I am not sure that would reroute you. Maybe when you selected the destination and the route choices came up somehow it or you, selected a different route. It will typically show you 3 options. Maybe somehow you finger or something was near and instead of selecting OK it selected an alternate route with same destination??? At least you made it without being redirected to Las Vegas..
Going to Mt. Hood via Portland on New Year's Eve, my aftermarket GPS pulled the same thing. From home, its route finder pointed me to one particular freeway exit. On the road, it changed its mind and pointed to another exit. (This unit does receive traffic reports.) No big deal. The time difference between them is very small, much less than the time it takes to discuss why it changed. I've also seen this happen on trip planning software on my PC. When exploring routes between WA and AZ-NM, tiny changes in the start and end points cause the software's suggested routes to change drastically, one choice routing me through CA, the other through ID. Closer examination finds that different multi-day routes may differ by just a few minutes of travel time, so moving an endpoint even slightly changes the balance. If travel time is the only consideration, then it doesn't matter.
I've had this happen on my Gen II Nav. For the life of me, I don't know why it sometimes picked one route and sometimes another. I believe I was selecting the same "Quick 1" route, but who knows. I've only had this happen a couple of times, and it was in the city. I don't have enough information to offer any theories. Tom
Maybe your Prius was just bored. The view of the city and the river from the bridges can be beautiful. Always going back and forth the same way? I suspect mechanical and technological wanderlust. Next time, promise to take it down the scenic route through the Columbia River Gorge area. after you arrive at your destination, if it's good. Did I mention that I learned everything I know about automobiles from watching "Herbie The Love Bug"?
My theory is that the Nav system is passive-aggressive. Its just a theory though. :madgrin: I don't use it all that often, but I have had some memorable incidents while using it. Like the time in San Diego when the voice was warning to stay left but the map was showing that we needed to take the next exit on the right. Unfortunately, by the time I recognized that the voice was wrong we were already past the exit. Another time I was taking my dad to the title insurance office to sign the final papers when he sold his house. I was familiar with the route, but I didn't know the exact location of the office. While we were on the freeway, the Nav told me to take the next exit, even though we were about 5 - 10 miles away. At first I ignored it, but then I thought maybe it knows a more direct route. As soon as I exited the freeway, it started to tell me to get back on the freeway. I think that woman is just messing with me. :madgrin:
They all do this. I suspect it is that annoying woman in there getting even for me not always following her instructions. I have a Garmin Nuvi 700 series in my other car and I travel from Miami to Stuart (about 120 miles) regularly. I used it so I had an idea how close I was to getting there since both the Interstate and Turnpike ways are so uninteresting you don't know where you are. On most occasions it directs me up I-95. About one out of three times it sends me up the turnpike. It also varies the exit sometimes. I just ignore it since I really do know where I want to end up, but it is interesting when I get north of Downtown Miami and it has to choose between pay road and freeway. I pick depending on my guess as to traffic.
So plot the route out on google maps before you leave next time. On google maps, if you don't like the route, click and drag any portion of the route to a different route and google will change the directions for you. Print out the route you want and take it with you. If the nav disagrees with the route you take, it will recalculate.
I believe there might be some truth to this theory. It's the one that makes the most sense to my budding social worker mind anyway.... If I just help her identify her needs and work to help meet them......
I have to stop out and say this much.... Guess all the complaining I have read about the Toyota Nav , and seeing complaints and commentary about several after market brands doing some of the same things, makes me say, I guess the Toyota Nav isn't so bad. It sounds like a lot of the Units have some issues, so the only good thing is we don't have to take it in and out of the car all the time, such as in a aftermarket GPS.
Re: My fickle GPS - red dots or circles - what are they? I apologize -- I would post a new question if I could figure out how to do it. Does anyone know what those little red dots or circles are on my nav map? They are different all the time? Also, I paid only for satellite but it seems that I still get traffic.. though I never could figure out what I was getting for the traffic -- and I live in LA! Anyway, I am almost tearing my hair out wondering what those little white circles outlined in red are on the streets. does anyone know? (I am a newbe to this forum).
In your setup you have "Route Trace" turned on. Those are what they used to call "Crumbs" to track your route. You can go into the menu and turn that off....if you like. I use that when in uncharted waters..LOL But for areas I typically know I don't need it.