I was scanning for Prius accidents and found: Grand Island mother, baby die as car is hit on icy road : Home: The Buffalo News I blew it up but the bumper, air inlet is shaped wrong: Can anyone identify the car? The Fire Chief in the story identified it as a Prius but the bumper, air inlet is shaped wrong. Bob Wilson
Yeah I know and I am in debted to Toyota for allowing that to happen. Thanks Toyota Sales, USA. I was a little disappointed that there weren't snow mobiles all over the place, I would have thought people would ride then everywhere like we ride kangaroos everywhere and keep koalas as pets like dogs. Maybe I'm getting mixed up with Canada?
The Yaris sedan certainly appears to have two bars on the grille below the Toyota emblem, and has the orange reflectors on the lower edge of the headlamps. If you look closer at the picture, what initially looks like chrome bars on the grille is in fact snow build-up on the upper edge of the grille. The bonnet (hood) is clearly separated from the front bumper cover, which carries the badge and the grille. I don't really see how it can be mistaken for a Prius.
Yep one of the two great geography trivia stumper questions at a bar. You're in Detroit and you want to get to Canada - quickly - which direction do you go? You're on a boat going from the Pacific to the Atlantic but you've got to transit the Panama Canal. In what direction will you be going to get from the Pacific side to the Caribbean/Atlantic side?
And I thought is was "under the river" and "over the canal." Learn something everyday. <grins> Bob Wilson
Well bob's an engineer, not a car guy. I've seen a lot of people mistake cars for other cars which are obvious to me but are not obvious to them.
I think you may be more technically correct with "under the river", but I don't agree with "over the canal" . :madgrin:
This pictures reflects the scene of a horrible tragedy - my sincere sympathies to all those involved. In light of the 2 young lives lost, other comments seem insensitive.
Many of us own and drive Prius. Understanding the safety aspects of our Prius is important because our lives are on the line. In this case it was reported to be a Prius but turns out to be a Yaris: The Yaris weights about 2,400 lbs and the Prius 3,042. But when we look at the Consumer Reports evaluation: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 0 Yaris Prius test field 1 1/2 red (good) full red (best) Gov't side-crash test driver 2 1/2 black (poor) empty (avg) Emergency handling 3 51.5 mph 52.5 mph Avoidance maneuver max speed 4 1/2 black (poor) empty (avg) headlights accident was at night * all other aspects were the same. Then we have this from the Insurance Institute ratings on side impacts: Poor - Yaris without side-impact bags (optional) Good - 2010 Prius with side airbags (standard) Nothing can bring back the dead but the lessons learned from this accident give Prius owners a clue and should serve as a caution to Yaris owners. Their deaths can give life to others who can make better safety choices. Ignoring this fatal accident diminishes their contribution to our knowledge. Bob Wilson
Many people don't realize that the Panama canal runs 'backwards'... to sail West, you go East... really.
Thanks for the data, Bob. When I first saw this news I was wondering why the side airbag didn't deploy, not knowing that the car wasn't even a Prius until I saw this thread. If the Yaris involved didn't have the optional side airbag, that could have been a contributing factor to the fatalities. We'll never know for sure, of course, but a side airbag could have mitigated some of the impact, especially for the baby in the rear. What a tragedy, regardless.
the people in the toyota yaris sedan where killed and the other car still alive but when i look at the pictures i see a almost intact toyota and a almost destroyed other car? shame there are nog other pictures from behind....