Why would anyone buy a "smart" when the mileage is so poor? I would buy a used Prius/corrola/Tdi jetta, all kinds of stuff before I would buy a Smart.
Thats you not me, VW are nightmares, prius I had one, and a corrola yea no thats what do you consider poor, had it at 48MPG on the way home, my pri was 46?
I worked my way through college inventorying the trashy magazines (Globe, National Examiner, etc.) at the check out counter of grocery stores. I might visit 25 stores a day. I would have loved the ability to park in that little room, it would have sped up my job a lot! I suspect residents of San Fransisco and Manhatten value parking space more than MPG. I suspect most of us reading this, value MPG so much because our current lifestyle involves lots of driving, not lots of parking.
Congratulations Sandy. Enjoy your new Smart. Disregard all the negative comments here. (Which you have quite elegantly) Have you a name for your new ride?
Hah... my oldest is seven, youngest are 10 month old twins. It's going to be awhile before they all ship out .
This seems the right time to present Jimbo's First Law of Parenting. (although it is too late for Ophbalance) If you have only one child.... They can't fight in the back seat.... And you always know which one did it. Once you have more than one, you can never count on these things again.
That's interesting because I always thought the Gen II Prius looked like a flea especially when viewed from the rear three quarters. Hence I have been calling it Nomi which means flea in Japanese.
Congrats from another previous smart owner!!! Looks like you got a pure?? Nice! What extras did you add to it? Is it brand new or used? 08 or 09? The difference matters cause I gotta let you know of some of the potential problems (but all fixed under warranty) that you may encounter. Because it's funky spacious (yes you heard me, spacious) superbly comfortable (drove 6 hours without a backache or having to move position. Try that in any small car) luxury and safety features others lack (heated leather, panoramic moonroof, hill-start assist, brake assist etc etc) mpg (yep. my lifetime of 6.1L/100km is still better than my friend's 2009 Corolla and I drove my smart more aggressive) fun-to-drive
Love the smart, nice bus. In Paris they park back to curb, 2 to a parallel space. They also park then on intersections, Smart are very popular in Paris.
I have never been impressed with the fuel economy ratings for a Smart car. A car that size should be getting at least 60mpg. It is cute though.
Its a 08 with 18K so far. AC and radio/cd are the only options was able to get it for 9400.00 out the door, warranty is till 10/10 or 24K so we will see what happens, the big thing is my back dosent hurt getting in or out. I read the forums and some problems before buying...waiting to see what else comes up. It has lots of room inside like a Vw bug, which i love and onthe highway had no problems at all
Hey well done you got it It looks superb. You'll have a very distinctive vehicle and parking worries are a thing of the past. They are popular here as a city car for just nipping to the shops. Like our Aussie friend already said, people park them nose to the curb rather than parallel. I have even seen 2 to one space parked that way I wonder how that works on the meter? This'll make you smile - in a previous job I used to work for an insurance company where we had a rich lady who had a Smart car and got her chauffeur to take her to the shops in one. How cool is that! I believe they had other vehicles too, but it always made me smile thinking of her being driven around by her chauffeur in a Smart