Nice work! I thought this might have had something to do with last January and a certain bunch of Prius chatters that left their mark on the Motor City....
nice pictures also nice historic looking buildings ( central station ) funny about the comments a picture of a piano and what is the comment? : "piano"
Beautiful. We enjoy watching History Channel's "Life after People". They often show nature take overs in progress. It is humbling to see how quickly what man has created can be taken apart.
I'm in shock that I just got an "infraction" for "inappropriate language" for this post. I think by titling it "Detroit in Ruins" people could decide whether or not the link would be of interest to them. I've seen a lot worse garbage....political and just other nonsense on this forum. So much for posting things I think others would like to see.
You got an infraction for the phrase "Detroit in Ruins" or "The Ruins of Detroit"??? I think it must be a mistake by Admin or a Mod, and in any event, needs to be removed immediately.
I was told that I needed to put a little more description of what the article is about. Unbelievable.
o thats someting else topic titles need to be more explaintorie about whats inside i can open a topic with the name "prius" yes well that wil be something so "pictures of detroit in ruins" or something like that would be better i guess thats wy your are told and not infractioned
Our little party was very privileged. I was surprised at the economic devastation we saw, but that was really only a small part. These pictures are morbidly fascinating. It's standard procedure here to include at least some description or personal opinion of linked articles. This is helpful for those of us reading it, and it also helps thwart spambots and trolls who might otherwise go nuts posting dangerous links. Not that you're anywhere near guilty of that, but there are reasons behind the rules. Being a moderator is a thankless job - I really don't think there was any deliberate attempt to offend you.
+1 No offense should be taken if it was a suggestion and not an infraction. However, IMO the post itself is sufficiently self-explanatory: Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre Photography - The Ruins of Detroit
That makes sense. There is nothing wrong with your description, except that it is ambiguous. In the context of a car site, the word "Detroit" tends to invoke images of the Big 3 auto companies, not a city. Even so, thanks for posting this excellent link. My son teaches school right down in the middle of all those photo locations, so I have a personal connection. It's very sad to witness the decay and destruction of a grand old city. Tom
Get used to it Bra... and do as they say, not as you see them do. Just don't quote the whole article either cause that put's sand in the panties too...
Another unwarranted attack on the mods. Putting the whole article in is INFRINGEMENT ...or is closing PriusChat a goal of yours?
Attack... bull fricken crap Bra. It's a statement of facts. I got over it, and I was just lending another fellow member some advice and observation so he doesn't get miffed about quoting too much in the future. As for closing this place as my goal... talk about a stretch... but, then again, we are talking about you right... stretching has been something you'll do to rangle up another response... You're getting better though Bra... and many of your posts actually contain facts... :thumb:
I too thought of History's series. Everything decays & cities have been abandoned for one reason or another for millenia.
Hard to watch those pictures. I grew up in Detroit and havent been back in 35 years. I think that the Theater pictured ,is where I first saw "2001 A Space Odyssey"back in 1968 (in Panorama!). Who would have guessed that 2010 would be all downhill since 1968? By now we should all have robots doing our chores and earning our livings,while we eat bonbons. What a long strange trip its been.
Why? Who? What? What happened in Detroit in January? Mark? What mark? My view from my hotel window was of a disused baseball stadium and a huge building with no windows or internal walls. To the people of Detroit, Canada must look nice across the way there. Not all the buildings are falling down. Some might recall some newer buildings erected by some very brave or foolish entities.