Only 600 bucks?.. really?... you can barely buy a bumper for that! Volkswagen's $600 car gets 258 mpg Rumors and Reality About Volkswagen's 258 mpg Car | Leslie Berliant If nothing Else, this will spur competition to build an honest car at an honest price.... go China!....
Your second article says $25,900 to buy. This a a very narrow 'car', (or very enclosed motorcycle) do not expect good ride comfort. Mind you, with a one cylinder Diesel engine, Noise, Vibration, Harshness is not going to be low any way. (No one knows what engine it has, one article claims a 2 cylinder diesel, but also discusses the price of gas and talks of gas mileage. Some articles claim a 299cc one cylinder diesel) One bit of confusion, many of the writers are mis-understanding VW terminology. This is a One Liter car as it uses one liter of fuel to go 100 km. (about 62 miles) A Two Liter car would use two liters of fuel to go 100 km. Most Prius tests hover around 5 liters to go 100 km. None of this has anything to do with the size of the engine. You can discount any article claiming it has a one liter engine as at least bewildered.
Yes.. its a bit amazing how the price went up so as to not "crater" the existing market.... we couldn't have a car at such a low price... not in America!.. Heck no!....... 25K is a joke for a one seater.. they are obviously trying to block it from the market in America. Maybe the 258mpg is what it gets once it gets bumped by a "good ole boy truck" as it goes sailing through the air?
I like what I see but wouldn't be caught in one of those for anywhere near $25K. I might spend $5K on one though as a commuter (but I have a pretty short commute).
it is ashamed that no matter how good of a product someone comes out with "cheap solar panels, etc" they have to crap on it to prevent upsetting the existing economy. Look at how much they spent of our money to save the existing bloated economy that needed a trim job all in the name of saving jobs? Funny.. they don't mind outsourcing and using other countries for profit... as long as we don't get any of the action...... Lets get real...... it really is all about the golden rule. He that has the Gold, makes the rules! It has almost nothing at all to do with Green or whats best for mankind.
I believe it's a 2-seater (tandem, like a motorcycle). And from looking at the specs, $25K is probably what it would need to sell for if built in Germany, considering the carbon fiber tub and level of finish seen in the pics. I doubt the wheels, tires and suspension components, even at manufacturer prices, would be under $600 - let alone the powerplant and chassis/tub. Even with Chinese labor and being sold locally in China to avoid overseas shipping charges, it would require government subsidization (which it may well get). They *might* be able to get it down near the Smart in price with sufficient quantity and Chinese manufacture, but they will never be able to equal the Tata Nano - the material costs and parts count are simply not in the same league.
Seems the media will stop at nothing to get a story and make a few bucks!.... its getting as bad as the Enquirer...... Truth is not a needed ingredient to make money! You think we would learn the little boy likes to cry wolf.. but we still keep running for it.
Funny! I wonder if they got -anything- right. Love that it has a -Diesel- engine but the fuel tank holds a few litres of -gasoline-! I wonder how that works! Note that while the journalist thinks a GT racing car is safe, it wouldn't meet ANY street legal crash test! They put too much stress on the occupants in an accident. But maybe in China....
Oh no... They say they won't paint the car to make it lighter to save gas... I hope Toyota is not hearing this... the ridiculously light and cheap Prius interior is already bad, can you imagine if Toyota stop painting the Prius as well?
Sounds like a ploy for even more profit margin to sucker gullible Green freaks..... only someone who sleeps with trees at night would fall for that. On car that little.. what are we talking about.....8lbs of paint?.. and whats the payback???..... what a joke!
Maybe before the volatiles leave as it dries. After, probably half? I gain and loose that much over a big lunch!
Some comic songwriter of the 60's (Tom Lehrer??????)--back when Cadillacs were $6,000 had a line about a new all-electric car: "The car only costs 80 dollars or so/ But the extension cord costs seven-oh-oh-oh.