He glitters in the sun? That is SO not a vampire. Vampires burst into FLAMES in sunlight. He's just a creepy stalker. 240-year-old virgin. whatever.
I have not seen this thread in a bit, but since my last post I have gone on 3 dates, 2 with the same woman, and one with another. The last one was with a gal who wanted to go quad riding. I went very slow, and let her lead, she was in near tears within 20 minutes. She was so scared that she was going to die, she could not have any fun, and we were on logging roads. The other came on so fast on the second date, I had to slow her down. Telling me about how crazy in the sack she is, and how she likes to be choked out. :der: I am not the kind of guy looking to get busy within meeting someone 2 times. The whole disease thing scares the crap out of me. It amazes me that some people will sleep with anyone (especially me ) within only hours of knowing them. Hard to find someone with morals and has their shit together. I know everyone has faults, but if they are that easy with me, I have to wonder how they were with others. My ex is a nurse and she tells me about 70 year olds with gonarea, syphilis, crabs, etc. because of Viagra at the nursing home. Plus what kind of a role model am I to two teenage girls at home if I act like most men? And here is my twilight photo that I like, it makes me laugh every time I see it. :rockon:
1. Hook a brother up dude! :rockon: 2. I suppose once you get to a certain age - maybe you're not that concerned about the life impact of some decisions anymore. Also, a small edit to your photo:
For someone that wants a guy that can spell, she doesn't know grammar too well herself, now does she? Pretty specific, too. In fact, way too specific. I second Octavia. Run.
The thing about meeting someone this way is that they are a total stranger. You don't know them from work or from friends. It takes time to get to know someone. They might turn out to be a very nice person or- watch the movie "Fatal Attraction".
ound: Funny! I think I hate online dating. Tomorrow I will probably be all hopeful again, but for today... hating it. A lot. It just doesn't allow you to see a person first and know if there is attraction. That is the most fundamental requirement!
I hate online dating, too. I can never seem to meet someone like they do in the movies...ie..strolling through the supermarket and bumping into a woman with my carriage and striking up a conversation. Heck, I thought that my Prius would be a chick magnet.