Jeep getting 12MPG. 20,000 miles per year..the Prius gets 4 times better MPG. my fuel savings are out the roof
The short answer: My wife wanted to get me a present. Here is the long answer:
Well, I for one think toyota is missing the mark in their ads. I think the ads, although cute and unique, are too "Femmy". I do not want to offend anyone, but I'm not liberal, i'm not overly "Green" and I'm not gay. ( I only say that because I HAVE gotten a lot of ribbing for owning my Prius....) I just like a well built dependable car with cool bells and whistles. I love the high MPG's. I bought my Prius because I love the smart key, the TONS of room for a hatchback, and because it had one of the few seats that did not push my chin(s) in my chest. I think the seats are comfortable. I like knowing that I get better MPG's then almost all other cars on the road. I like the "Techy" feel of it, like a space ship. I love the bluetooth. Again, it has so much room. I like the screen. I like the back up camera. I think it looks great. Since my other car is a Grand Cherokee Jeep, the Prius kind of balances things..... Frank
I never considered a Camry hybrid or regular Camry as I only wanted a hatchback. Really hard to put a set of drums, TV, etc... in a sedan. But, no doubt, the Camry is simply a better car than the 04 - 09 Prius and that is why it outsold the Gen2 by a lot. The Camry is more comfortable, can really haul 5 adults ( I will never take 5 adults again in my Prius, once was enough), and gets good enough fuel economy for many people. You could haul five 150lb. adults and 60 lbs. of cargo in a Prius. That's it. The Gen2 Prius is very good on gas, very low emissions but has some compromises for some people. At 6'2", it is sad how much I have to duck down to see where I'm going. I should have the issue fixed in a couple weeks. If the fix fails, I may sell the car as I will not continue to drive the car with the stock driver's seat. The Gen3 Prius has fewer compromises in key areas and offers a better alternative to the Camry Hybrid.
1. Styling - When I first saw the Gen II Prius, my jaw dropped. I thought and still think that it's one of the best looking cars I've ever seen. In comparison, I think the present generation Camry is almost ugly, especially the grille and rear quarter panels/trunk lines. 2. Hatchback/Size - I always get hatchbacks or station wagons because I like their cargo space functionality which enables me to haul a greater variety and amount of stuff on a much smaller footprint. In comparison, the Camry's cargo space is less flexible and holds less, yet its footprint is over a foot longer than the Prius'. The smaller footprint of the Prius gets me into many more parallel parking spaces (I live in New York City). 3. Fuel Economy - Nothing beats the Prius. The Camry Hybrid doesn't even come close. 4. Toyota Reliability - After owning a Volvo 850 for 12 years -- which broke down early and often -- I thought I would go the other way. In this regard, both the Prius and Camry have excellent reliability records.
Assuming the question is legit 1. Hatchback versatility 2. MPG 3. High tech toys 4. Size (midsize interior with a compact exterior)
I thought it would be a chick magnet.:rockon: (That was a lie that my dealer told me) Actually, it was to have the smallest carbon footprint that I could leave. Also, I love the redesign of the 2010 Prius. It looks sharp! Getting 46.5 mpg, not bad considering it only has 500 miles and the weather has only been above freezing 1 day since owning it.
In order: MPG low carbon Performance significantly improved over the Gen II - both in MPG and in HP. Similar space / dimensions as previous car ('02 Accord) I didn't really look at the Camry hybrid except to notice that it was more expensive and less MPG - no sale.
I really only needed a commuter car and 95% of the time, I'm the sole passenger. I'm also single, so I didn't need the size of a camry.
We had a bunch of reasons that led us to our Prius. Our Mazda 626 passed on (185k miles). We couldn't wait for the Subie diesel here in the US. We couldn't find a VW diesel to test drive, let alone purchase. My brother (the mechanic) has been raving about Toyotas for years. We really liked our 2010 Prius test drive (a great salesman experience too). I drive 85 miles a day to work. And last, but not least, we got a pretty good deal on our new Prius.
I second this. I'm still surprised that seemingly so many Americans do not like the styling, but I write it off as simple difficultly admiring something other than the stodgy sedan styling they have grown up with. I bought in 2004, five years after the G1 introduction and amid clear indications of HSD reliability. I was bewitched by the technology, and wanted to support Prius as an environmental advance. By far, Prius is my largest political contribution ever. My best guess is that my next car in say five years will be a PHEV or Yaris hybrid. If our Prius was destroyed today and I had to replace it immediately with any car of my choice, the only question would be which dealer to buy a Prius from. Why not Camry hybrid ? For us Too big More expensive, but nothing I want Brain dead sedan design Unappealing looks Much poorer fuel economy
I own a Camry, '02, love it. My wife would have had another Camry in a minute, even the Hybrid. But I wanted something different, but Toyota. The Prius was a natural. Wanted the highest of high mileage, that's the Prius, and it' something I want to associate myself with,---- the green movement. We all know we have paid for the fuel up front buying this car, but that is fine with me, I've given the oil companies enough of my money. This time I'll give it to a car company!
In order of importance: 1. I buy a new car every 10 years, and it was time to upgrade at 150K miles. 2. Toyota's overall reputation, disappointment with Audi reliability. 3. The fine gizmos on the 2010 Prius V, a kick to get new technology every 10 years. 4. Fuel economy--never mind hypermilers, power mode lets the car be what it is. 5. A new car is always fun to make one's own, with ... whatever.