Sitting up in International Falls, MN. Waiting for a load to come in so I can head home Monday.... While I'm not doing much, Watching the people go about there business as usual. Got the truck idling and staying warm for the night.
Hey hang in there. Keep it idling and don't shut it off. Its easy for us to say 'cause were at +64F right now.
To paraphrase Lewis Black: What you have is not weather, what you have is an emergency condition. Interesting trivia fact: You don't need to specify -40°F because -40°F = -40°C = too cold for humans
Yesterday's morning adventure was at -9°F. This morning's was at -8°F. In both circumstances, I left my insulated garage where the Prius was parked all night. The temperature on the gauge in there read 30°F. I pushed the power button and drove away immediately. My drive into the horribly frigid air requires a climb out of a valley just beyond my mailbox. It becomes fairly steep, a challenge for most cars when we get heavy snow. Anywho, the 2010 Prius went into "winter combat" mode automatically, just like the my Classic & Iconic Prius always did during the deep-freeze of January. The hybrid system favors the electric-motor heavily to ease the burden on the cold engine. Having the ratio of power distribution change like during an extreme (in this case, cold) is fascinating. It both sounded & felt quite different. I knew Toyota had done that to allow the engine a more graceful warming. Why not? You certainly don't have to worry about the battery-pack overheating from high draw in those conditions. It's yet another example of well thought out the design of the hybrid system really is. .
I've been out in minus 40, though that was with the wind chill factored in. We were wrapped up in every layer we had, singing Beach Boys songs and having a great time. The lifts were a little chilly, but as long as we kept moving on the runs, we were fine. Definitely no outdoor pee breaks in that weather.
Wow....tough for me to imagine that temperature.... Here we freak out when it gets below freezing. They keep telling you to wrap your water pipes (they come from underground to entering the side of the house above the slab), protect your tropical plants by covering with sheets and bring your pets in for the night so they are not canine popsicles. So.......that's our winter!!!
Sounds dreadful! It's pretty dang cold down here in Louisiana too. Did you hear that people are dying from the cold? I wish some of that "global warming" would come warm us up
Thank you for the reminder of why I no longer live in the snowy mid-west! I've been out in -40, and that was before wind chill was factored in :brr: I'm quite happy this morning with the rain and 46F temps!
You northern US and Canada people can have your cold weather back any time you want it !! 20 degrees F in Wilmington, NC this time of year is too cold !! One of the many reasons that I live in NC and not any further north.
(9 f low / 20f high) lost the control to my side of electric blanket whil moving to this ice box so dug out heating pad as wife didn't appreciate cold feet hmmm I wonder if I plugged that in and laid it under and on top of the radiant barrier already under the hood of my 2005 Coud I et back up to 52mpg. Mytry it when I get back fron the docs office
Not all of Canada is cold. Sure, 42F at the moment isn't exactly warm, but it's not what most people - most Canadians, either - think of when they envision winter.
That is good to know. I would not have guessed anywhere in Canada would be at that temperature right now.
I have Jimmy Buffet's "Beaches Bars Ballads and Boats" box set on my iPod. I queue up Beaches, Bars and Boats when I shovel snow.
Canada temperature conversion 60 above: Floridians wear coats, gloves and woolly hats. People in Canada sunbathe 50 above: New Yorkers try to turn on the heat. People in Canada plant gardens. 40 above: Italian cars won't start. Canadians drive with the windows down. 32 above: Distilled water freezes. The Saskatchewan River water gets thicker. 20 above: Californians shiver uncontrollably. Canadians have the last cook-out before it gets cold. 15 above: New York landlords finally turn up the heat. Canadians throw on a sweatshirt. -0 - Californians fly away to Mexico. People in Canada lick the flagpole. 20 below: People in Miami cease to exist. Canadians get out their winter coats. 40 below: Hollywood disintegrates. Canada's Girl Scouts begin selling cookies door to door. 60 below: Polar bears begin to evacuate Antarctica. Canadian Boy Scouts postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets cold enough. 80 below: Mt. St. Helen's freezes. Canadians rent some videos. 100 below: Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. Canadians get frustrated when they can't thaw the keg. 297 below: Microbial life survives on dairy products. Canadian cows complain of farmers with cold hands. 460 below: ALL atomic motion stops. Canadians start saying...."Cold 'nuff for ya?" 500 below: Hell freezes over. The Canadian Hockey team wins Olympic gold.
We are two hours east of you and it gets colder still, we were -37f last night. (I'm on the wet coast at present however!) After about -20 it doesn't really matter. What does matter is the wind! Consider a Webasto heater for your tractor (I assume you are talking semi-here) This allows you to keep the engine warm, as well as the sleeper/cabin warm without having to run the engine. Pretty slick system. Way fewer emissions. (That said, keeping the oil warm is pretty hard, even if the coolant is warm). We left I Falls one morning at -35 and stopped the night in Billings Mt at +55f. Pretty good one day swing. (We hadn't seen +0f in almost 3 weeks, it was a bit of a shock!)
Incredibly beautiful day in San Diego, blue sky, scattered clouds and upper 60's. I don't even own a coat, I have no intention of ever going to cold weather areas except during their summers. I spent 24 years in Vermont and have seen 48 below base temp and days without the temperature getting above 0. Been there, done that!