nervous girls who forget to just be themselves and just sit there with a little fake-o smile on their faces? I REFUSE to let this happen to me. Is it to early to start drinking?
Well... I went. I was nervous up until I got there and he said "Hi Michelle". ( My name is NOT Michelle) He later confessed he had to look on his phone to look up my name. After that I realized he is in serious "shopping" mode and probably won't be single long. I'm a take-it-slow kinda gal so... I relaxed and had a good time getting to know a new friend. Hey! How come everyone wants to buy Rae a drink? What the hell happened in Detroit? Girl.... I could learn from you!
good luck oct!! if it jus becomes a friendship, that alone would be worth any risk. good friends are also hard to come by. as far as dating, nearly everyone sucks at it. if that were not true, then why would anyone get married?
Lesson 1) Do not start drinking after a long travel day with literally no food. Alcohol on an empty tummy, when exhausted, is about 10X stronger. :madgrin: Lesson 2) If you do start drinking on the empty tummy, do not attempt to play a highly technical trivia game against really smart people. :doh: Lesson 3) Do not, under ANY circumstances, announce to the room that you "really SUCK when drunk". And that was just the FIRST day... :tape:
What is it you'd like to learn? We have several very friendly and helpful members here. Uh....hmmm, let's just say sometimes dates go almost too well, and hey, mistakes happen. :madgrin: There ya go, Octavia, now you know. "Can I buy you a drink?" is code. And keep an eye on the little straw in your glass.
Dang it... I KNEW I missed a good time! Had I known I was going to get laid off the end of the week of PC connection trip, I definitely would have gone. So much for trying to have a good work ethic when I could've been right there with you Rene... drinking and uh sucking at games and stuff too...
Not all women are freaky enough to get into biting but if you get lucky or play it right you'll get em too. Hang in there man.