Just picked up our new Prius see photo have'nt named it yet wife know's more about the cock-pit than I do.....I had trouble starting it.....been "dumbed down" driving my pick-up...got to get with it !
Congratulations. I admire your bravery in purchasing a new car in the middle of winter. But I expect living in Michigan the realities of Winter Driving are much more substantial and more of just part of living in Michigan. Since we don't typically get a lot of snow and ice, and when we do, people tend to drive like idiots, I'm waiting winter out. But again, congratulations and enjoy. I noticed your profile says IV on order, but this post looks like you changed to a V?
Got tired of waiting for our IV (4 Months and counting) so we got the V instead...Thank You for your reply....Michigan Winters are a bit rough but you adapt to it......My wife drove school bus for 32 years so she know's the ropes....
That's so weird. 4 months and counting? I'm sure it's a regional thing but were you trying to get a IV with Solar Roof? The dealers locally in Oregon seem to have a good supply of every level, the only caveat being solar roofs are harder to find, even though they appear periodically at a few dealers. Might have to do with "Portland" Oregon being a Port City. I don't know, if I lived in Michigan or anywhere the winters were harsher, I might want the bigger tires the V offers. So it probably worked out for the best. Anyway again, congratulations.
Thank You for your reply......a solar roof in Michigan is not worth the price.....Nov - April 15% sunshine then about 40 - 70%
Nam32B, Congratulations on your Purchasing the V! :rockon: I as well have a V and love it! You should too! We both have winter in our area, and although you hate to see salt and sand on the roads, the car handles great thus far in the Buffalo winters.... I am sure with all the Technology in the V, your going to love it! I wish you much happiness in your new Car! :welcome:
Welcome from another Newbee... I also just got mine..... Barcelona Red....Prius III w/Nav..... Lots to learn and enjoy.....:welcome: Kuffs...... from Floriduh.....
Congrats Kuffs! Great car, enjoy each day learning it. Let it do it's thing and you will love it! Happy Prius'ing! And Welcome