Which display do you use? hybrid system indicator, energy indicator (with pic of Prius), 5 minute or 1 minute mpg indicator? Maybe someone could word this better in the form of a poll? thanks!!! ** Moderator Edit ** Poll Added!
settings page.... i would just leave it off completely if it didn't reset every time the car is turned off.
HSI +1. I think the HSI's have it on the GenIII, except for 'tableround'. He seems to have a 'blank' display...LOL! ;~)
I've heard several of the Old Time Posters say they feel like the HSI acts somewhat like a Scan Guage II, though not nearly so sophisticated or accurate, but it can give you information about the various systems and assist with P&G. So, I think those in the know use the HSI, along with possibly a few of the others! I (or rather, my wife, personally uses the HSI and the 1 minute MPG screen. David (aka blind Guy)
HSI all the time. I think I only switch to the other ones when I fill up with gas. I always liked the 5-minute intervals on my 2005, but I find I never go to that screen with the 2010. I try to drive with the HSI bar as close to the middle as possible. (I assume that's a good idea.)
HSI, with occasional look at the others. But I sometimes think they are too interesting (and therefore unsafe) to look at, and I might wind up just turning them off.
HSI. There's another post with a very good explaination of how to maximize your MPG using the go pedal and the woh pedal and glancing at the HSI when safe to do so.
Eco display on HUD and 5 minute on display except when using cruise control. Trip A is current tank, Trip B is longer term. HSI when showing off to non prius owners. David
NEAT KEN. Is that the standard screen on 2010's in Japan? I use the consumption screen for P@G as it's faster and less cluttered.
I was wondering if the CHG zone provide useful info. When I step on the brake, the CHG zone starts to increase to a maximum. Maybe when it reaches the maximum, it means useful regeneration is ended. The battery can only take so much. So friction brake is started. In other words, it is helpful to always brake with the CHG zone somewhere below maximum? Or am I reading too much into the meters?
KEN, How could you? you have given the secret away! Now we all know that if one drives at 33KMH (20.6MPH), one can get 97mpg. Note: math not exact, I used: 4 liters to a gal, for convenience.:cheer2:
I keep my 3 month old, 2000 mile, silver Series II on "settings" screen. The others are distracting and who cares what mileage is every 5 minutes. After 3 months my average is 44 mpg in winter, so I don't need to keep checking it. Maybe I'll look again this summer.