We just purchased a NEW Motorola Droid cellphone, we previously had a Motorola Razor2 BT'd to our Gen 3 V. When we bought our V, a gal at the dealership downloaded all our contacts for us, so we've not had to undergo the process of downloading contacts. I've read some of the posts on the Gen 3 and the Droid, but to be perfectly honest, I didn't understand most of it. I did read that prior to the middle of November 2009, there was some difficulty downloading contacts, and that it could be done but it was a two step process, requiring an additional App, and that Motorola was supposed to have a fix for it by the middle of December 2009. I would like to know if anyone has downloaded their contacts with a Droid, and could they give me a SIMPLE non-technicle, step by step How to Guide. Also, has the Droid been updated by Motorola to simplify contact downloads? David (aka Blind Guy)
Hello Fellow Droid/Prius owner The December firmware update of the Droid to version 2.0.1 should have fixed the Contact issue us Bluetooth. Everything should be done on the Nav system once the phone has been paired and connected. Its fairly simple 1) Press the Setup button on the Nav 2) Press Phone button onscreen 3) Press Phonebook button onscreen 4) Press Manage Contacts onscreen 5) press Transfer Contacts on screen 6) If you already have transferred contacts press Add contacts 7) or Press Replace Contacts if you want all the contacts from the Droid overwriting the current contacts 8) The Droid may Ask You if you want to allow PBAP function in the Notifcation Bar, Answer yes of course PM me for any questions I can help with
Since your contacts were allready downloaded to the Prius, no need to worry about it, just because you got another phone. The allready downloaded contacts will work with any phone you connect to the Prius.
What?!! The contacts are shared with everyone who pairs their phone to the car? You don't get individual phonebooks for each phone?
If you have trouble downloading try this link http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...d-phone-book-your-2005-prius.html#post1045461 I am going around putting this link in posts that might find it helpful, so it is easier to find and get fellow Prius/Droid users up and running faster. Hope it helps. Viro